Thursday 30 June 2011

Stuffed Cucumbers


Cucumbers................................................................3,cut into 5 cm each pieces,emptied
Minced Chicken..........................................................200 grams
Mushrooms..................................................................5,chopped fine
Onion...........................................................................1/4,chopped fine per taste
Black Pepper................................................................1 tsp
Coriander Leaves,chopped............................................2 tbsp
Cornflour.......................................................................2 tsp
Oil................................................................................2 tsp


In a medium bowl mix minced chicken, onion, salt, pepper, mushroom and coriander leaves all  chopped very fine.

Stuff the cucumber pieces with this stuffing.

Steam the stuffed cucumber pieces for 15 minutes.

Steam the tomato, peel off the skin and grind .Strain the tomato to take out the juice.

In a frying, add a little bit of oil and put the tomato juice,sugar ,salt and cornflour. Mix well so that no lumps are formed.

pour over the stuffed cucumbers.

Serve hot.

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