Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bengali Sunday Lunch

Bengali Sunday Lunch

If your husband never tires of praising his mothers "Singara"....or you kids mouth water on the very thought of your neighbours "Paw Bhaji" then, you must know its time to show them what you can do. The whole thing becomes very easy, if you have a friend.....next to you. You will know how to prepare various  dishes easily. So now tell me what would you like to prepare? Singara or Batata Vada? Aloo damm or Idli? Papdi Chaat or Methi Thepla? You can easily prepare any you desire. And believe in yourself that you can become a good cook in no time.....with a little help.

This is an elaborate menu.
Fried Rice
Bhaja Moong Dal
Maacher Fry
Fish Kalia
Chingri Narkol Doodh Diye
Methi Chicken                      
Bengali Sunday Lunch

Bhaja Moong Dal

Ingredients :

Yellow Moong Dal                                                                100 grams
Shelled Peas                                                                           1/2 cup
Green Chillies                                                                         3-4,slit
Bay Leaves                                                                            2
Cumin Seeds                                                                          1/3 tsp
Oil                                                                                          1 tsp
Ghee                                                                                      1 tbsp
Salt                                                                                        according to taste
Sugar                                                                                     according to taste
Water                                                                                    1 cup
fresh Coconut,grated                                                              2 tbsp(optional)
Garam Masala Powder                                                          1 tsp   

Bhaja  Moong Dal


Method :

Roast the dal till golden in a wok at low heat stirring all the time. Remove, wash well and drain and keep aside.
Pressure cook the dal with water till soft.
Cool and open the cooker and add the peas.
Heat oil in a wok. Add cumin seeds and bay leaves. Add the boiled dal, salt, sugar, green chillies and everest garam masala powder. Bring all to a boil.
Lower the flame and let it simmer for a couple of minutes.
Garnish with coconut grated .

This dal goes equally well with both luchi/puri and rice.

I recommend that you use Everest garam masala powder cause it gives the dal a distinct flavor and it makes this unique and different from Bhaja Moong Dal made by others and i m sure u too will love it. If its unavailable,please use what is available.
Along with green peas i also use very small flowerets of cauliflower and very tiny cubes of potato.
You may use all vegetables together or none at all or any one at a time.

Maachher Fry :

This  Bengali Fish Fry has a distinct  flavour all of its own.

Ingredients :

Fish Fillet(preferably Bhetki)                                      500 g

For the Marinade :
Onion paste                                                      4 tbsp
Ginger paste                                                     2 tbsp
Garlic paste                                                      1 tbsp
Lemon                                                              1
Green chilli paste                                               1 tsp (or more if desired)
White Vinegar                                                   1tbsp

For the coating :
Egg                                                                   1 ,beaten
Salt                                                                   1 tsp
Bread crumbs                                                    250 grams
Refined oil                                                         for deep frying

Maacher Fry

Method :

Wash the fish well.
Marinate with the juice of the lemon for15 minutes.
Wash again and dry the fillets on paper towels.
Squeeze out the juice from the onion, ginger and garlic pastes.
Marinate with vinegar, chilli paste, salt, and the onion /garlic /ginger juice for 3-4 hours or overnight in the fridge.
To prepare the fries :
Dip each fillet in the egg and coat well with bread crumbs.
Keep in the fridge for at least 3-4 hrs before frying.
Heat oil in a frying pan.
Fry on medium heat till golden.
Remove and drain excess oil on paper towel.
Arrange in a serving dish and serve.

Fish Kalia :

Fish Kalia

Ingredients :

Katla Fish Peti Pieces                                                           4-6
Onion                                                                                   2 large
Garlic,made to paste                                                             5-6 pods
Tomato Paste                                                                       1 large
Turmeric Powder                                                                  a pinch or two
Lemon Juice                                                                          1/2 tsp
Bay Leaf                                                                               2
Red Chilli Powder                                                                1/2 tsp
Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder                                                  1/4 tsp
Ginger Paste                                                                         1/2 tsp
Mustard Oil                                                                          for frying fish
Whole Garam Masala,crushed                                              2 tbsp
 Fresh Coriander ,chopped                                                   1 tbsp
Green Chilly whole                                                                3
Salt                                                                                       1 tsp
Sugar                                                                                    1 tsp

Method :

Marinate the fish pieces after washing and patting dry with a kitchen napkin.
Marinate with salt, turmeric powder and lemon juice.
Heat Mustard oil 6-8 tbsp in a wok and deep fry the pieces of fish. Remove to a dish.
Now strain the oil after cooling it. Put oil back in the wok to heat.
Add the bay leaves and crushed whole garam masala (2 green cardamom, 2 cloves, 2cinnamon stick pieces).
Then add the onion paste, garlic paste, ginger paste, tomato paste and salt. Saute well.
Add the red chilli powder mixed with a dash of water. Stir the spices till it dries up.
Then add enough water to make a gravy and also the fish pieces, cover and cook. After 4-5 minutes when the gravy thickens ,remove the cover and serve.
To make the dish red and restuarant type, heat 1 tsp refined oil in a pan, add1/2 tsp sugar, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder and also 1/4 tsp kashmiri red chilli powder. Let it darken slightly while you stir carefully. Immediately add it on top of the Kalia and give it a mix. Watch how the colour of the dish changes and becomes bright red.

Chingri Narkol  Doodh Diye :

Chingri Narkol Doodh Diye

Ingredients :

Prawns (chingri)                                                          500 grams
Coconut Milk (packaged)                                            1packet
Onion Paste                                                                2 tbsp
Ginger Paste                                                               1 tsp
TomatoPaste                                                               2 tbsp
Green Chilli Paste                                                        1 tsp
Turmeric Powder                                                         1/4 tsp
Red chilly Powder                                                       1/2 tsp
Salt                                                                             as per taste
Sugar                                                                          1/2 tsp
Mustard Oil                                                                 4-6 tbsp
Whole Garam Masala                                                  1 tbsp
Bay Leaf                                                                     1
Ghee                                                                           1 tsp

Method :

First of all d'vein and wash the prawns well.Pat dry.
Marinate with a pinch or two of salt and turmeric powder. coat well.
Heat mustard oil or any oil you prefer in a wok and fry the prawns. Lightly saute and remove as soon as they turn pink .
Now in the same oil add whole garam masala and bay leaf.
Give it a stir and add the onion paste. Saute till golden.
Add the ginger, tomato and green chilly pastes and fry well. Add 1 tsp ghee at this stage and mix.
Add the dry spices and just a dash of water to help the spices mix well. Cook stirring.
Add the prawns,coconut milk, cover and cook for five minutes. Remove cover and serve.
Prawns cook very quickly and too much cooking makes them rubbery. Dont cook for more then7 minutes in all. Serve hot. 

Methi chicken :

In my earlier columns i have already showed you how i prepare this dish. Very easy to prepare i go for it often. Do turn back a few leaves and refer to the recipe. 

Fried Rice :

Ingredients :

Basmati Rice                                                  250 grams
Ghee                                                              3 tbsp
Cinnamon                                                       1 inch piece
Green Cardamom                                           5-6 ,bruised
Bay Leaf                                                         1
Raisins                                                            15 grams
Almonds                                                         15 grams
Salt                                                                 1 tsp 
Sugar                                                              1 tbsp or as per taste
water                                                              3 cups
Carrot                                                             1/2
Beans                                                              4


Clean ,wash and soak the rice for 1 hour.Drain out the water and dry well.
heat ghee in a heavy bottomed pan and add the raisins and almonds till golden and remove.Next add the 
cardamom,cinnamon,bay leaf  and saute a bit.
Add the rice and saute for 3-4 minutes.
Add the water and let it come to a boil. Reduce the flame and add the raisins and almond.
Cook until the rice is done and all water is absorbed.Stir occassionally .
Serve hot.

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