Saturday 5 January 2013

Dry Spinach Curry (Palong Saaker Ghonto)

Dry Spinach Curry


Bori (Lentil Dumplings)............................8-10
Green Chillies..........................................4,slit
Bay Leaves.............................................2
Aloo (Potato)...........................................1,cubed
Motorsuti (Peas)......................................a handful
Palong Saak(Fresh Spinach)....................2 bundles
Turmeric Powder.....................................1/4 inch per taste
Chini (Sugar)...........................................a pinch
Sada Jeere(Cumin Seeds)........................a pinch
Oil.........................................................enough to deep fry the Bori

In Bengal, having greens at the beginning of a meal is a must. Palong saak, Kolmi Saak, Lal Note,
Sobuj Note, Dhekir Saak,Sechi Saak are a few of the many that every Bengali has had.

Palaak or Palong saak has a smell and taste, which gets covered by the strong smell of Paanch Phoron, I believe. So, I don't use it as tempering. I use Cumin Seeds instead.

This is a very simple spinach preparation. Delicious and healthy....


You need to select the fresh leaves.Wash 3-4  times and chop/cut them with a kitchen knife. Keep aside.

Now heat oil in a wok for deep frying the bori's. Fry them till they are golden in colour.
Also fry the potato cubes. Cook the peas till soft.

In a separate wok, add just a table spoon of mustard oil and put the temperings. Let the cumin seeds splutter and then add the spinach leaves and also mix in the turmeric, salt and sugar. Cover and cook till the saak is soft and cooked. 

Add the bori's , golden fried potato cubes and peas before the water dries up completely. For me the Bori needs to be soft so I add when there's water in the wok but if you prefer them crispy ,crumble and add later as garnish on top. Saak leaves a lot of water and you need to dry out the water, as this is a dry preparation.

Serve with rice.

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