Sunday 13 April 2014

Echorer Chop (Jack fruit Cutlets)

My Ma-in-law's stories often arise from topics that are discussed by the ladies (ma-in -Laws right hand and left hand ) working in the kitchen. As Anjali and Rina chatt merrily, Ma tells them about her good 
old days at Rongpur, Utterbangla (now Bangaladesh). Dadu had lots of land being the jamindar, says Ma and we visited Kurigram, a big village right next to Dorola Nodi (Dhorola ) during our summer vacations .
We lived in Bihar back then, said Ma . We had the pleasure of having fruits off the trees, like Mango, Lichu , Batabi Lebu, Nona, Kamranga, Lotkan , Kathal and many others. Dadu had planted orange trees as well but they were too sour ........never sweet, so only chaatni was made of those oranges. 

We kids slept with Boro Mashima (Eldest aunt) who was a widow. Mesho mashai  had gone to Vienna by ship for a conferrence and never returned. He died  of heart attack on the return journey. Boro Mashima had taken up all household responsibilities. As the room in the huge house was almost next to the orchard we could see some of the fruit trees from the bedroom windows. One night we saw a very strange thing, said ma.....and Anjali-Rina both were all ears....what ?? Foxes !!! said Ma. We saw some 4-5 of them climbing one on top of the other to get to ripe jackfruits. The fox on top scratched the ripe fruits down and all of them devoured the fruits and left....... Foxes too eat fruits ? exclaimed Anjali & Rina .

Mashima made jackfruit chop, said Ma . Ma makes them now. Here's how...

Chop the jackfruit into really small pieces and steam them in a pressure cooker to soften them. Remove and drain off all water . Chop 1 large onion, ginger 1 inch piece and 2-3 green chilly's really fine. Boil 2 medium size potatoes and mash well with salt to make it smooth.

Now heat 2 tbsp refined oil and fry the onions till it starts to colour ,then add the chopped ginger and green chilly and saute well. Add 1/2 tsp Turmeric, 1/4 tsp Garam Masala Powder, 1/2 tsp Red chilly Powder, 1/2 tsp Coriander Powder, Salt as per taste and 1/2 tsp sugar. Now saute well, sprinkle a dash of water if the spices are burning. Then add the jackfruit and stir fry well with the spices to mix all well. When a nice smell begins to come and the mix browns and starts to leave the sides of the pan, remove and cool the mix.

Now take the whole mashed potato mix and divide it into equal size portions. Also divide the jackfruit mix into equal size portions. Take one portion of the potato mash in your hand and make a well in the middle and fill a portion of the jackfruit mix in the well.Close to seal , so that the jackfruit filling can not come out. Now shape like a chop.Give shape with hand.To help you do use refined flour to dust your hands.
Now make chop of all the other portions. Remove to a dish.

In a bowl, Beat two Eggs. In a dish spread Breadcrumbs. Now dip the chops first in egg and then coat all over with bread crumbs. Dust off the excess bread crumbs.

Keep in the fridge for half an hour at least to set before frying.

Heat Refined Oil 1 cup in a wok and when its really hot, reduce the flame and slowly add the chops to fry them golden. Do not add too many at the same time . It will immedetely reduce the temperature of the oil and 
not fry well. Add in small batches and fry till golden and remove. 

Serve hot with Sauce or Chaatni. Sprinkle a pinch of Chaat Masala .


  1. They look delicious! Added to my to-do list for the weekend and hope they taste good with the canned ones available here.
    Debi, Toronto

    1. Hi Devi, How are you today.It's so nice of you to write in.This chop is very delicious,you will really love it.Try and tell me how it turned out. Awaiting an early reply. Love. Happy Cooking !

  2. You can use damp white bread slice instead of boiled potatoes. Makes for easy stuffing.
