Sunday 30 June 2013

Narkel Bata Diye Alu-Potoler Dalna (Potato-Pointed Gourd in Coconut Gravy)

Narkel Bata Diye Alu-Potoler Dalna

According to me, my ma makes the most delicious Alu Potoler Dalna. She lives in Mumbai and whenever I travel from Kolkata to Mumbai or she comes to kolkata, Potol is surely going to be packed for her to take back home to Mumbai. She believes that Kolkata Potol tastes better as they are fresh. She doesn't like the very name used in Mumbai for potol "Parwal"! Ma complains that the Parwal sold in Mumbai have very little flesh inside and the taste too differs.As everyone in the family loved Parwal it was cooked regularly in many different ways by Ma.

Dalna is a description for thick and rich gravy and if coconut is being used it becomes richer. The Pointed Gourd and potato (Potol and Alu) pieces are deep fried golden and then added to a thick gravy made with coconut gravy.

Preparation :

Take around 5-6 large Potols and chop them into three pieces as shown below.

Take medium size Potol

Cut off the edges & chop into 3 pieces
Similarly , chop 2 medium size potatoes into medium size pieces.

Grind 1/2 an inch of ginger and 1 tsp cumin seeds with 2 green chillies to paste. Also grate 1/2 a coconut and then grind it to paste.

Grind/Grate 1 medium size Tomato as well. Slit 2-3 green chillies if you like extra spice.

Grind 2 green Cardamoms, 2 Cloves and 1/2 inch piece of Cinnamon to a paste with a drop of water. This is the garam masala paste. Keep covered till later.

Heat 4 table spoons of oil (Mustard Oil if possible)and firstly fry the potato pieces golden on low flame and remove. Keep aside. In the same oil, fry the Potol  on low flame and when golden remove. Do remember that you have to fry them patiently on low flame.

You can use the same oil if its not too dark in color. Use a separate wok if the previous oil has turned brown. Add 2 tbsp oil and add 1/4 tsp Cumin Seeds, 2 Bay Leaves and when they sizzle, add the grinded/grated tomato paste. Stir fry till the raw smell goes away. In a bowl, Mix 1 tsp of Turmeric Powder, 1/2 tsp of Kashmiri Red Chilly Powder, Salt 1 tsp and 1 tsp Sugar with a dash of water.
Now, fry this spice mix well.

Add the potato pieces and coat with the spices. Add the potol pieces also and then add the coconut paste and fry together.It will take a few minutes.

Then add 1 cup of water and stir.  Add the slit Green Chillies. Put a lid and cook on low flame till the water reduces and the gravy thickens. Remove cover and add 1/4 tsp of Garam Masala paste and 1 tsp Pure ghee. The rich gravy is really delicious. 

Serve with paratha, luchi or roti.

Potato-Pointed Gourd in Coconut Gravy

An Old Painting Of Kolkata.

Robibarer Murgi (Bengali Sunday Chicken)

Robibarer Murgi

Today is Sunday. A holiday, no office so what I decided to do is let Mr Hubby cook lunch. As it is, he is the one who decides the menu on all holidays.....days that he is at home whatever the reason.
Mr Hubby bought a desi chicken and desi chicken has less meat on it.  The Desi chicken curry is however just delicious.
 Plan your sunday. Make it yourself and enjoy. 

Happy Sunday !!!

Desi Chicken(Country Fowl),Skinned......................................600 grams
Refined Oil..............................................................................4 tbsp
Alu (Potato ),Chopped...........................................................4,medium
Peyaj(Onion),Sliced.................................................................4 medium
Ada (Ginger) Paste...................................................................1 1/2 tsp
Rosun (Garlic) Paste.................................................................1 tsp
Kancha Lanka Bata(Green Chilly Paste)...................................1 tsp
Tomato Paste...........................................................................1,large
Lal Lanka Guro (Red Chilly Powder)........................................1/2 tsp
Holud Guro(Turmeric Powder).................................................1 tsp
Noon(Salt).............................................................................. as per taste
Chini (Sugar)............................................................................1 tsp
Jeere Guro (Cumin Powder).....................................................1 tsp
Dhone Guro (Coriander Powder)............................................. 1 tbsp
Garam Masala powder..............................................................1/2 tsp
Gota Garam Masala(Green Cardamom,Cinnamon,Clove)..........2 pieces
Water.......................................................................................1 cup or as required

Heat two tablespoons of oil and saute the potatoes on medium heat in a wok. Let them brown slightly, tossing every now and then. When golden remove to a bowl. Keep aside.

Add 2 tbsp more oil in the same wok and re-heat. Then add the chicken pieces and brown .
Remove and keep aside.

Next add the Gota Garam Masala, crushed slightly. Add 1 tsp Sugar. Stir. Caramalise the sugar to give the dish a good color. Add the turmeric powder and red chilly powder as well.

Add the sliced onions and brown stirring continuously.

Add the ginger, garlic and tomato pastes and fry well till the raw smell goes away. It will take a couple of minutes.

Add the spices and mix together. Fry for a few minutes. 

Add the chicken pieces with all juices and oil.

The water goes in next. Lid on top, let it simmer away, till the water reduces and chicken is soft, but don't forget to check once in a while. It should take not more than fifteen minutes.

Add the potatoes when the chicken is almost ready, so that they become soft and take in all the juices and spices. Simmer covered.

Check the seasoning .

Uncover, stir and then remove from heat. Serve.

Lovely hot steaming Murgir Jhol is ready.

On a relaxing sunday, this is what is cooked in most Bengali homes. 

Its important that you prepare it with love and the family eats together so the name "Robibarer Murgi".

Jiyo Bangali !!!

Friday 28 June 2013

Kathal Bichi Bhape (Steamed Jackfruit Seeds)

Kathal Bichi Bhape....

Take fresh Jackfruit ( kathal )seeds. Wash well and dry. The seeds dry faster in the sunlight. When dry bring them in and peel the outer covering. When the outer covering is removed, a brown cover will be visible.You need to peel it off with a peeler. Cut into pieces lengthwise.Pressure cook till soft.Remove and drain the water off.

Grate half a coconut.

Grind Poppy seeds and grated coconut together with green chillies.

Mix all ingredients together with the seeds and put in an oven proof bowl in the oven  or you can put everything in a steel tiffin box. Close tightly and then steam.

Kathal Bichi

Jackfruit Seeds..................................................1 cup
Poppy Seeds.....................................................2 tbsp
Coconut ,Grated................................................4 tbsp
Green chilly........................................................2
Mustard Oil........................................................1 tbsp(or as per taste) per taste
Sugar.................................................................1 /4 tsp

Kathal Bichi Bhaja:

Wash and dry the jack fruit seeds in sunlight. Then peel the outer covering with a peeler carefully.
Chop the seeds into rounds or lengthwise ,as you wish. 
Heat refined oil in a deep pan or wok. Then, fry the seeds, on low flame till golden and crisp.
Add salt and pepper for taste.
Serve with tea/coffee.

Coming Up

Kathal Bichi Diye Cholar Dal

Cholar Dal With KathalBichi

Thursday 27 June 2013

Rainy Day Favourites:Khichuri & Beguni (Egg Plant Fritters)

Cloudy skies of Kolkata

Kolkata Rains
Incessant rains have been lashing the whole of India and causing havock. Its been raining cats and dogs in Kolkata as well.


On a rainy day, Khuchuri, labra, Bhaja, Chatni are common favourites.

Beguni  is a popular Brinjal fritter, that is a hot favourite in Bengal. A hot and crispy piece of beguni brightens up any rainy day especially if you are stuck at home.

In Bengal, every neighborhood and street corner has a shop that sells all sorts of vegetable fritters along with beverages, hot and cold .
You will find batter fried Eggplant being sold in a corner snack shop.  It is served along with Dal and Bhaat for a casual lunch or dinner. Often, it can be seen on a Bengali wedding parties lunch menu as well.

In Beguni, the correct cut of the vegetable is very important. Choose a fat and long Egg plant . Cut off the stem and wash. Pat dry. The egg plant needs to be cut lengthwise into thin slices. Not paper thin and not too thick either. We in Bengali use the "Bothi" to slice. The Bothi is held with the feet and with both the hands, the brinjal is cut into thin long slices. If that is unavailable to you, and you find cutting difficult, then cut the brinjal into rounds.

The "batter " is very important as well. In order to make fluffy fritters, its very important to mix all ingredients and then beat the batter very well with hand.

Ingredients for the Batter:

Brinjal (Eggplant)........................................................1
Besan/Beson(Chickpea Flour).....................................1cup                                     
I prefer to cut the long brinjal lengthwise
 and the small  brinjal into rounds

Turmeric Powder (Holud Guro)..................................1/2 tsp
Salt............................................................................1/2 tsp or as per taste
Green Chilly Paste (Kacha Lanka Bata)......................1 tsp
Sugar..........................................................................1/4 tsp
Jowan/Ajwain (Bishop's Weed).................................1/4 tsp
Baking Powder...........................................................1/2 tsp
Nigella Seeds(Kalo Jeere)...........................................1pinch
Fresh Garlic Paste(Rosun Bata)....................................1/2 tsp (Optional)
Hot Oil .......................................................................1 tbsp
Refined /Mustard Oil (For deepfrying)...........................2 cups
For Garnishing :
Chaat Masala..............................................................1 tsp

Put the oil to heat in a deep pan or a wok and mix all ingredients well.  While the oil is heating up, remember to beat the batter very well with hand.
The use of garlic is optional. Sometimes  I have seen snack shops use Asafoetida (Hing ) instead of garlic.

Many a times, on a rainy day, a dish of crispy fried Beguni and Ghee flavoured Khichuri makes its way to our table. My mother in law's favourite lunch. 
At other times, Mr Hubby wants a dish of crispy hot Beguni with Puffed Rice(Moori) and the favourite daily soap on television makes the evening really delightful and fun. 
If your whole family is with you and you are having an adda session ,then a stack of  beguni will make your day.
Forget the calorie count for a day and enjoy!!!

Bhaja Moog Dal er Kichuri 

Ingredients I Used :

Split Green Gram (Sona Moong Dal)...............................................1/2 cup
Fine Rice (Gobondo  bhog Rice).....................................................1/2 cup 
Potato...........................................................................................4,small (Or 2medium)
Green Chilly (Kacha Lanka),slit......................................................4-6
Green Peas (Motorsuti).................................................................1/2 cup
Cauliflower (Phoolkofi)..................................................................1 small
Water.............................................................................................6 cups

Tempering :
Bay Leaf (Tejpata).......................................................................2
Whole Garam Masala,crushed
Green Cardamom..........................................................................2
Cinnamon.......................................................................................1 inch
Cumin Seeds(Jeere Gota)................................................................1/4tsp
Dry Red Chilly (Sukno Lanka).........................................................2
Ginger Julliens.................................................................................1 tsp
Pure Ghee (Clarified Butter)............................................................1 tbsp

Dry Spices :
Turmeric Powder............................................................................1 tsp
Roasted Cumin Powder..................................................................1/2 tsp per taste per taste
Red Chilly Powder.........................................................................1/2 tsp
Garam Masala Powder....................................................................1/2 tsp

Garnishing :
Pure Ghee........................................................................................1 tbsp

Khichuri is basically Rice and Lentils cooked together. I first had khichuri as a child of six months and that was just rice and dal boiled together with a lot of healthy veggies.  This is almost the same. Only this one is an elaborate one made of roasted Moong Dal, rice, vegetables and an array of fragnant spices and tastes delicious along with a mixed vegetable dish of Labra.

The whole task of preparing Khichuri needs quite a bit of preparation.
On very low to medium heat, roast the lentil till golden in colour and a nice aroma fills your kitchen. This will take some time and can not be done in a hurry. Once done soak in water and keep aide.

I used Gobindo bhog Chaal and Sona Moog Dal, short grained and aromatic variety of Rice and Daal.

Take 4 small potatoes .Peel and chop into halves or you can chop medium size ones into 4 pieces. Coat with a pinch of salt and Turmeric.

Chop the cauliflower into pieces, keeping the size of the florets large. Wash and drain. Leave to dry.
When dry coat with a pinch of turmeric and salt.

Chop the tomatoes too.

Keep all the ingredients ready. Now we are ready to cook.

Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan and fry the potato and remove when golden. Add some more oil (As required) and fry the cauliflower next and remove.

In a separate, deep & large pan, heat 1 tbsp pure ghee with 1 tbsp oil & add the temperings and saute.
Next , add the roasted moog dal and stir to mix. Put in the rice and the dry spices. Saute all well for a few minutes. Then add water to cover all. Vegetables and peas need to go in next.
Since I used Sona Moog Daal and Gobindo Bhog Chaal, I put them in both together, as both take almost the same time to cook.
Now, wait for the water to come to a boil and then cover and let cook on low heat till all are soft.

Lastly, drizzle the pure ghee. You can keep aside a pinch of garam masala and sprinkle it on top .
Keep covered for five minutes after adding the ghee.

Served with Fries, Labra, Omlette, Hilsa Fish fry (no, we are not talking about the fancy Fish Fry here. It's just a slice of fresh fish seasoned with salt & turmeric and fried in mustard oil),
 Chaatni etc Khichuri is a meal to have on a cold rainy day.


Wednesday 26 June 2013

Fried Paneer Sandwich (Cottage Cheese Sandwich)

This simple Cottage Cheese ( Paneer) sandwich recipe is made a bit differently as its made by stuffing cottage cheese sheets with a tasty potato filling.This is then covered with a thick batter and deep fried till golden.

Preparation :

Make the Spicy Potato Filling by boiling 3-4 potatoes, medium size till soft . Mash well.
Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan and fry 1 large onion chopped finely till golden. Add 1 tsp fresh green chilly and 1 tsp ginger paste. Fry well and add  the mashed potato.(For Variation, you can finely chop Chilly Peppers and add to the mashed potato)
Add 1/2 tsp  pepper powder (or less if you don't want it too spicy),salt as per taste,1/2 garam masala powder and lemon juice. Saute well and keep aside.

You will require 300 grams of Cottage Cheese. To make the Cottage Cheese covering grind 2 Green Chilly's, 1/2 inch of Ginger, 2-3 flakes of Garlic and 1 small Onion together. Cut out fine thin layers  from the block of Cottage Cheese and coat the Cottage Cheese slices with the paste .Keep aside to marinate for half an hour.

For the Batter take 100 grams of Gram Flour (Besan). Add 1 tsp of crushed Garlic and 1 tsp Green Chilly Paste.This gives an unique flavour but it is optional .You may avoid.
Also add salt according to your taste. Add 1/4 tsp of Red Chilly Powder. Beat well to form a thick smooth batter. Add 1/4 tsp of Baking Powder just before frying .

Heat 2 cups oil in a wok.

Now to assemble remove the marinade and place the filling equally on each sheet of cottage cheese.
Fold the cottage cheese sheets and then carefully dip in the batter and deep fry in hot oil. When golden remove and serve with any Chaatni or Sauce of your choice.

Add a wonderful filling and serve a yummy nutritious snack in the evening to your guests. Pack them in your kids lunch box or serve at breakfast.

Fried Paneer Sandwiches

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Semai er Pulao (Vermicelli Pulao)

Semai er Polau

Hi! It's a month since I am back from my South India trip. I want to be more active, I am not being able to make time though I so love everything about, typing, clicking away on my laptop..... 

First had this at my best friend Radha's house when we were very young.

My Best Friend Radha

I love simple, less oil meals that takes minimum time but tastes awesome.  Today I made vegetable vermicelli pulao. Vermicelli is popularly called Semai in Bengali. 

Vermicelli or semai pulao is an easy breakfast. It consumes less time to prepare, is light on the stomach and can be had anytime. Put it in your child's tiffin box and make him happy. An easy way to feed him those veggies too.

Here's how I prepared yummy and absolutely delicious......  Semai er Polau.
Thank You Radha....

Ingredients :

Vermicelli (Semai)............................................................1 cup
Ginger&Garlic Paste.........................................................1 tsp
Onion ,chopped................................................................1 medium
Green Chilly,chopped.......................................................2-3
Whole Garam Masala
green cardamom...............................................................2
Mixed Vegetables.............................................................1/2 cup
Tomato,chopped..............................................................1 medium
Biryani/Pulao Masala........................................................1/2 tsp
Turmeric Powder.............................................................a pinch
Lemon Juice.....................................................................1 tsp
Salt& per taste
Fresh Coriander Leaves,finely chopped..............................2-3 tbsp

Recipe :

Chop mixed vegetables (Beans, Cauliflower, yellow capsicum etc). Chopped onion & tomato (Deseeded)
You can take boiled peas and boiled corn too. Finely chop coriander.

Dry roast the vermicelli  for a few minutes till golden in a pan.Keep aside.

Boil the veggies and drain off the water.

Heat the oil in a non-stick deep pan and add the whole spices.When the splutter a bit add add the onion  and green chilly. Stir till the onion becomes transparent and then add the ginger and garlic paste. Cook the paste well. Add the vegetables and stir. Add salt and sugar and turmeric powder.

Next, add the Biryani masala or pulao masala. Mix well.

Add water and let it come to boil. Then add the semai . Add the chopped tomato at this point so that it doesn't become too mushy. Cover and cook till the vermicelli softens.

The water should evaporate and dry up.

Sprinkle chopped coriander. If you want you can also garnish with fried cashew or almonds or peanuts.

Serve hot.

Kochu Chingrir Dalna

Bengali's just adore shrimps/prawns and like to add it to every other preparation. Every vegetable that you are not too fond of, becomes delicious and disappears from the table once shrimps are added. Kochu is one vegetable my children just wont eat , so I always add shrimps/prawns.

Kochu Chingrir Dalna

What you will need : 

Shrimps/Prawns (medium size)......................................250 grams
Kochu (Colacasia ).......................................................1/2 kg
Potato (Alu),cubed........................................................2,medium
Onion,chopped (Peyaj  Kuchi)......................................2 medium size
Ginger Paste ( Ada Bata)...............................................2 tbsp
Tomato,chopped............................................................1 small
Green Chilly (Kaancha Lanka ).......................................2-3
Turmeric Powder (Holud Guro).....................................1 tsp
Cumin Powder (Dhone Guro).........................................1 tsp
 Red Chilly Powder (Lanka Guro)...................................1 tsp or as per taste
Sugar (Chini)..................................................................1 tsp
Salt (Noon) per taste
Mustard Oil / Refined Oil................................................3-4 tbsp
Clarified Butter(Pure Ghee )...........................................1 tbsp,optional

For Tempering :

Bay Leaf (Tej Patta ).........................................................2
Whole Spices (Garam Masala)
Green Cardamom...............................................................2
Cinnamon...........................................................................2 pieces

What you need to do :

D'vein the shrimps/Prawns ,wash and dry and then coat with salt and turmeric. Keep aside to marinate for ten minutes. Meanwhile wash the kochu and peel off the cover. Cut into two halves and keep aside. 
Peel the potatoes and cube.

I am using Gathi Kochu here. They are small in size and have a slightly slimy texture but if you fry them it goes away. If you boil them the slimy texture remains.

Heat the oil in a wok and lightly saute the shrimps and remove.
Fry the potato and kochu as well on low heat till golden. Remove.

In the same oil add the temperings and stir a bit.

Add the onion and saute till transparent Then add the tomato, turmeric powder,red chilly powder, cumin, salt and sugar. Saute well. 

 Add ginger and green chilly too. Use a dash of water if required to prevent the spices from burning.

Add the kochu and potato and 1/4 cup of water. Cover and let the vegetables soften. Remove the lid and check if the vegetables are soft.

Add the shrimps and coat with the spices . Put the lid back for 2 minutes. Then remove and  add the ghee.
Give a standing time  then transfer to a serving bowl.

Serve with roti or paratha.

Kochu Chingrir Dalna

View of Kolkata from the top

Kolmi Saak Bhaaja

Kolmi Saak

Kolmi saak ( Ipomoea aquatica or Ipomoea reptans) is also known as Swamp Cabbage.

Kolmi Saak Bhaja is almost a staple dish in almost all Bengali homes. This saak grows in the wild. This is a traditonal recipe and a saak dish is generally eaten at lunch in most Bengali  families. Being a Bengali I love to eat leafy greens (Saak).

Kolmi Saak Bhaja

Krishna Banerji
This dish came to us with the packed lunch my sister in law, Krishna Banerji sent us, as we were unable to attend a family get-together, last week.

I wanted to make this my way. As it requires just a few ingredients to make  I decided to go ahead. It is home cooking and not restaurant style though I do remember it being cooked the same way at a few Bengali restaurants in  kolkata.
Please have a look....

Ingredients :

Kolmi Saak..........................................................2 bundles
Green Chillies......................................................2-3
Dry Red Chilly......................................................2
Mustard Seeds.....................................................1/4 tsp
Oil..........................................................................1 tbsp per taste
Sugar....................................................................just a pinch

   Clean the saak well select the leaves and soft fresh stems. Wash under running water to remove all dirt.  Drain off water. 

Chop the garlic fine and slit the green chillies.

Chop the saak fine and  keep aside while you heat up a tablespoon of oil in a deep pan.
Add the mustard seeds and the slit dry red chi;lies and let them splutter a bit. Then add the finely chopped garlic and let them brown slightly. Add the finely chopped saak and give it a stir to mix. 

Add salt and sugar as per taste. Sugar is optional.

Put a lid and let cook for five minutes.

After a wait of five minutes remove the lid. When the saak is soft and the water released by the saak is dry serve.


This is a very healthy dish and you will enjoy it with rice.

Just added......

Make it with Ilish maacher Matha ( Crispy Fried Fish Head) and it turns into a delicious non-veg dish. For more details pl. refer to my blog ...

 Coat Ilish Maacher Matha with salt and turmeric and fry till crisp in mustard oil. Select the green leaves and wash well. Chop finely. Heat mustard 2 tsp , add a pinch of Nigella and 1 dried red chilly broken into two and the chopped saak. Add salt,turmerc powders ,cover and cook. Saak leaves a lot of water so it cooks and softens in its own juices.
After a while remove the cover and add the fish heads. Mix with the saak. Cover and cook again.
After a few minutes,remove cover and dry up all water. Mix and then remove to a serving dish.
Serve with plain Rice.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Sheam-Begun Bhape

Sheam Aar Begun Bhape

Vegetarian food, Niramish in Bengali, is not always tasteless, difficult to cook, needs loads of preparation food. Everyday vegetarian preparations can be exotic as well.

Try this........

Brinjal-1 large
Broad Beans-8-10
Mustard oil-2tbsp
Mustard Seeds-2 tsp
Poppy seeds-2 tsp
Green Chilly-2-4,as per taste
Salt & Sugar-as per taste

This is very simple. 

Chop the brinjal really small. Chop the Broad beans really small as well. 
Make mustard-poppy seed-green chilly paste .
Mix mustard-Poppy-Green chilly paste, mustard oil , salt-sugar and coat the chopped Brinjal and Broad Beans. The mustard oil is slightly on the higher side as this dish is an old one followed by 
" Boro Mani" my aunt in law. She learnt it from her mother. 
The broad Beans-Brinjal coated with paste is then put into a steel tiffin box, sealed and put to steam.
The steamed dish "Bhape" is delicious and is served with plain rice.


Wednesday 19 June 2013

Narkel kumri

This is a very common Bengali recipe with coconut and pumpkin and slightly on the sweeter side as all most all Bengali  recipes are. It is a veg dish without onions.
It is a simple dish but cutting the vegetable uniformly and grating the coconut is a tricky job.
My mother in law is the one who taught me and she maintains that the pumpkin pieces are cut really small, jhiri jhiri is the word used in Bengali but most others say its cubed pumpkin and potato they use.
I am straight away getting down to the recipe and cooking process.

Ingredients :

Red Pumpkin ( Misti Kumro)........................ 1/4 of a whole pumpkin
Potato (Alu)...................................................1(optional)
Bay Leaf (Tej Patta).......................................2
Dry Red Chilly(Sukno Lanka).........................2
Asafoetida (Hing)...........................................2 pinches
Cumin Seeds (Sada Jeere)..............................1/4 tsp
Coconut Grated(Narkel Kora)........................1/2 a coconut
Turmeric (Holud).............................................1/4 tsp
Salt & per taste
Green Chilly (Kancha Lanka).........................2-.4,slit
Mustard Oil (Sorsher Tel)...............................2 tbsp

Grated Coconut

Ingredients : Red pumpkin & Coconut

Preparation :

Chop the Red Pumpkin into small pieces. In Bengali we say, "Jhiri jhiri Kore Kata" just like Alu Bhaja.
Sometimes I keep the pieces large too.
If you decide to add the potato,chop them into cubes as well.

Grate the coconut and keep aside.

Heat two table spoons of mustard oil in a wok and add the tempering...Bay leaf, Asafoetida, Red chilly and Cumin seeds.

Let them brown a bit and then add the potato pieces . Fry them and let them soften while you stir fry them.

Add Turmeric, salt and sugar and give it a mix.

Then add the pumpkin pieces. Also add the grated coconut and slit Green Chilly. Stir fry for a sec and then cover with a lid and leave to cook on low heat. Pumpkin pieces will let out water and the vegetables will soften in it.
Do not add any extra water.

When the pumpkin and potatoes are soft  put  the flame off and serve.This dish is served with Paratha, Puri (Luchi) and chappati as well .

 If you are serving as breakfast to guests, then keep aside a table spoon of grated coconut and granish with it. 

Narkel Kumri

COMING UP ...........

Thorer Ghonto

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Mochar Paturi

Mochar Paturi with Rice

Mocha or banana flower is a favourite dish of ours and made mostly on Thursday's which is a "vegetarian"day at our place, just as in most Bengali homes in Bengal.

Paturi is a cooking process wherein marinated fish, vegetable or cottage cheese (Paneer /Chana) is wrapped in a banana leaf and either grilled or steamed. A parcel is made and then slow cooked .

This time, I prepared this Paturi on a Sunday on the request of my friend, Devi.

Cleaning mocha takes a bit of patience and time. One needs to peel each layer and take out the flowers.
Banana flower has a sticky substance that comes out  when you peel and it makes your fingers black and sticky so take 2 tbsp salt  in a bowl and keep coating your fingers with it. Most ladies use oil but I would recommend salt instead, Try it.

Then take out the hard central stick and also a plastic like petal. Then take a bunch of cleaned flowers in your hand and with the help of a pair of kitchen scissors finely chop. It has to be almost like mince. When the whole banana flower is cleaned and minced, boil in a pressure cooker with salt and turmeric until nice and soft. Peel and dice a medium size potato and add to the pressure cooker at the time of boiling.

Discard the water used to boil the banana-potato.

Now, grate half a coconut. 
Next, grind the grated coconut, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp mustard seeds , 2 green chillies to make a smooth paste. Add a little raw mustard oil( I add 1 tsp but mustard oil can be very pungent so add as per your tastes) to the paste and the boiled banana-potato and mash them all together .Use your hand to mash all well. When done, keep aside.

Wash the banana leaf and dry with a kitchen towel.  Lightly roast the leaf so that it becomes soft and manageable . Hold over a low flame and remove. 

Take the banana leaf and place it on a plate. Coat with oil. Put the Mocha mix on it and wrap well.
Tie with a thread to seal .

You can also use an aluminium foil instead of a banana leaf, but raw banana leaf gives a nice flavour to the dish. Without the leaf the flavour will be missing. For us in India it's easy to procure banana leaves all round the year but not elsewhere.

Instead of  a griddle you could use an oven to prepare the dish. 
Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees and then put the parcel in for 20 minutes or till the banana parcel is browned.

I used a Tava. Heat a flat griddle or a non-stick pan and  put the parcel on it. Now cook on medium high flame till done, if you decrease the flame the mix inside will release water . We don't want a soggy paturi. Keeping the flame on medium high, cook the dish turning sides till the leaf is completely browned on both sides.  I would recommend not to run around doing other errands while cooking this paturi.

Mochar paturi

When done, put flame off, remove and serve hot.

Paturi is always served with plain rice. An easy recipe actually and the taste is divine.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Chicken Paratha

Indian Meal-Paratha
Chicken Paratha :

Paratha's are flat bread that is fried. Paratha's are traditionally Indian bread that are made with wheat flour with or with out stuffing's of various kinds.  The filling is often vegetarian and sometimes non-vegetarian as well. In the northers states of India, Paratha's are served at meals and are made of wheat flour.
In Bengal, refined flour is used to make the dough for Paratha's.

Chicken Paratha

Chicken meat is stuffed in to make a stuffed chicken paratha, the bread rolled out and then deep or shallow fried .You can roast chicken and make stuffed paratha's with the shredded meat. Prawn filling can replace the chicken one to make prawn paratha's .

Ingredients for the dough :

Refined Flour (Maida)...............................2 cups
Salt............................................................1/4 tsp
Ghee/oil......................................................2 tbsp required


Chicken Stuffing

Ingredients for the stuffing :

Onion Paste.......................................................1tbsp
Garlic Paste........................................................1/2 tbsp
Ginger Paste........................................................1/2 tbsp
Green Chilly Paste...............................................1/4 tbsp
Red Chilly Powder..............................................1/4 tsp
Turmeric Powder.................................................1/4 tsp
Garam Masala Powder.......................................1/4 tsp per taste
Oil......................................................................2 tbsp

Shred the chicken
Shredded chicken

Ingredients for frying Paratha's :

Oil / required

Preparation :

Take all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and using little water at a time make a smooth soft dough.The dough needs to be really soft or else the filling will break out from the paratha.
After preparing the dough keep it covered with a wet cloth while you prepare the chicken stuffing.

To prepare the stuffing, heat the oil in a pan and then add the onion and fry till oil separates. Then add the ginger ,garlic and green chilly and fry. Add all spices and when all are well mixed add the shredded chicken.

You can add roast chicken shredded or boiled chicken shredded. 

Mix all well and stir fry well.We require a dry mix.When done, remove to a bowl.

How to prepare the Paratha :

Make equal size portions of the whole dough prepared earlier.Make smooth round size balls with the dough.
Make equal proportions of the filling as we.
Keep some dry flour ready on a dish to dust over the paratha dough.
Take a ball in your hand and make a crater to spoon the filling/chicken stuffing in it as shown below.
Make a crater in the middle for the filling

Put the chicken filling and seal. Spoon the filling and seal the hole so that it doesn't come out. Picture below.

Put the filling and seal

Dust some flour and keep.
Roll out the ball with the help of a rolling pin to make a flat round.
Heat a griddle or a non stick pan. Carefully place the Chicken Paratha on it
First you will need to roast the parathas well on both the sides.
Next add 1 tsp oil /ghee and fry one side well.
Flip and fry the second side using 1 tsp oil.
When both sides of one paratha is ready remove to a dish. Prepare the rest and serve hot.

Puri Visit


 On our recent visit to Puri, Orissa, we spent some quality time with friends and relatives, had Oriya and Bengali dishes and paid a visit to the holy temple of Lord Jaganath.

If I am not blogging or cooking, what you will find me doing is travelling as that's what I love the most. I think everybody loves travelling to new places like me so I am sharing some photos here .

Visit to the Temple was an experience in itself . We contacted a panda (local priest) who came to take us with him to show us around the temple, but as we were in the relaxing holiday mood we got delayed and when we reached, there was a huge queue. Standing in the queue for an hour and more, wasn't a very good experience. Just at the entrance, the crowd, the heat, the pushing ( From all sides), the noise....everything got so unbearable that we decided to return another day and left the Temple premises.

Puri visit is incomplete without a visit to Lord Jaganath
 temple and so we decided on visiting again.
This time it was early morning.
The experience was wonderful.
We saw the temple priests carrying water to bathe
          Lord Jagannath. Other priests were performing other tasks,and our priest explained that they were brushing His teeth and washing His face and combing His hair.These were all done in the main temple just under the actual large wooden idols of Lord Jaganath, Goddess Subhadra and Lord Balram.

Chilka Crab we choose


 Crabs, Boat ride to see the Dolphins and pearl harvesting , are what attracted us to Chilka lake and we weren't disappointed.

Local shops cooked various varieties of fresh fishes and of course crabs. You don't order from the menu. They bring it out to you and you choose. 

You choose and they cook according to your tastes. The tender meat is so fresh and tasty....Wow !! 

The real secret, we would like to believe is in choosing the right crab but in actual its the simple recipe used.

Pearl Harvesting

We purchased pearls at throw away prices and
now its on our ears.... we wear them with pride.

Lovely white and black ones....

Boat ride on Chilka Lake

Boats at Chilka Lake

 We had delicious Crab at Chilka lake. I asked for the recipe made by the cook there and he said shyly," Its a simple recipe." When I persisted he gave me this....
Clean the crab well. Drop into boiling water and then leave. This will seal the juices inside.
I don't fry the crabs.
In a wok, heat 2 tbsp mustard oil and  fry onion paste, ginger-garlic paste and green chilly paste well.
Add tomato paste. He showed me that he had used a stone motar and pestal for grinding.
Add Turmeric paste, Coriander paste, Cumin paste, Red chilly paste, Salt as per taste and Sugar as per taste.
Fry well till oil separates and rises to the top. Then add the crab with the water and let it come to a boil.
He waited for the right consistency of the gravy and then served it right away with plain boiled rice.
There was not too much gravy to this dish and the end product was delicious. 
Fresh live crabs were kept in buckets for you to choose from. Once you choose its taken away to the kitchen to be cooked for you. 

Crab Masala