Friday 28 June 2013

Kathal Bichi Bhape (Steamed Jackfruit Seeds)

Kathal Bichi Bhape....

Take fresh Jackfruit ( kathal )seeds. Wash well and dry. The seeds dry faster in the sunlight. When dry bring them in and peel the outer covering. When the outer covering is removed, a brown cover will be visible.You need to peel it off with a peeler. Cut into pieces lengthwise.Pressure cook till soft.Remove and drain the water off.

Grate half a coconut.

Grind Poppy seeds and grated coconut together with green chillies.

Mix all ingredients together with the seeds and put in an oven proof bowl in the oven  or you can put everything in a steel tiffin box. Close tightly and then steam.

Kathal Bichi

Jackfruit Seeds..................................................1 cup
Poppy Seeds.....................................................2 tbsp
Coconut ,Grated................................................4 tbsp
Green chilly........................................................2
Mustard Oil........................................................1 tbsp(or as per taste) per taste
Sugar.................................................................1 /4 tsp

Kathal Bichi Bhaja:

Wash and dry the jack fruit seeds in sunlight. Then peel the outer covering with a peeler carefully.
Chop the seeds into rounds or lengthwise ,as you wish. 
Heat refined oil in a deep pan or wok. Then, fry the seeds, on low flame till golden and crisp.
Add salt and pepper for taste.
Serve with tea/coffee.

Coming Up

Kathal Bichi Diye Cholar Dal

Cholar Dal With KathalBichi


  1. Thank you for posting this recipe. Will try and let you know how it turned out. Can I mix mustard paste also in the "Bhape" recipe?

  2. No,I haven't tried adding raw mustard paste to boiled seeds.But well-boiled, soft seeds can be mashed and had with raw mustard oil,green chilly paste and salt.That tastes very nice. If you have tried using mustard paste do let me know please.
