Sunday 17 February 2013

Bhapa Rui (Baked Rui Fish)

For this dish, the most favourite fish of the Bengali's Rui is used.

Wash the fish pieces well and dry. I use flat "Peti" pieces  for this  preparation but you could add " gada" pieces.  Coat with salt and turmeric and leave for 10 minutes. 

Grind poppy seeds,  white mustard seeds, green chillies  to fine paste. In a mixing bowl, mix the poppy seed paste, mustard seed paste, hung curd, salt , green chilly paste , salt, mustard oil and turmeric powder.

Then coat the fish pieces with this mix. Add a couple of slit green chillies .

In an oven-proof bowl , spread the spice coated Rui Maach pieces. Top with the extra spice mix. Cover with an aluminium foil to seal.

Now , in a large pan over boiling water place the bowl of fish to steam. It should take close to 20 minutes .

You can use the OTG . Put water on the baking tray and on it put the bowl to bake.

Ingredients :

Rui Maach....................................................4-6 pieces
Poppy Seed Paste.......................................4 tbsp
White Mustard Paste.................................3 tbsp
Hung Curd....................................................4 tbsp
Green Chilly Paste.......................................2 tbsp per taste
Mustard Oil....................................................2 tbsp
Turmeric required
Aluminium Foil...............................................1 sheet

Something xtra......

A pat on the doctors shoulder.....

Dr Ganesh Rak, a doctor from Pune's Hadapsar, celebrates the birth of a girl child by waiving off the entire maternity charges whenever a girl child is born in his hospital, in a bid to prevent female foeticide . His staff distributes sweets to all. He has waived all charges of 144 such cases as he is pained by the apathy shown to the mother when a girl child is born.

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