Monday 18 February 2013

Mourala Peyaji

Mourala Peyaji :

Mourala Maach.........................250 grams
Onions.......................................4,sliced lengthwise
Potato,large..............................cut into small thin pieces(like Aloo Bhaaja)
Mustard Oil...............................1/2 cup
Turmeric Powder.......................1 tsp
Red Chilly Powder.....................1tsp
Green Chillies.............................4-5,slit
Salt per taste

How its Prepared...... 

Clean the fish well and coat with salt and turmeric.

Heat the mustard oil in a wok and deep fry the fish in the oil.

Remove the fried fish and next fry the sliced onion in the same oil.

When the onion is reddish, add the spices, slit green chillies  and the potato pieces and fry well.

When potato pieces soften , add the fishes and mix.

When all are fried well ,remove to a serving dish .

Serve with rice or musur dal, lemon and rice.

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