Wednesday 3 July 2013

Ruma mashi

Ma n Ruma mashi

Last week, Ruma mashi came. She is my mother in laws cousin sister. She used to be a teacher.The sisters had a nice time catching up. Mashi lost her mother recently after prolonged illness and the ladies were happy to be together. Everything in Bengal is linked to food and so lets talk about a few things that were laid out on the table during her stay.
Ruma Mashi is ma's "Ma-ma-to Bon", maternal Uncle's daughter. Being the youngest in the family she has missed out on the kind of childhood which my mother in law and the other kids in the family enjoyed.She was a toddler back then so  she doesn't remember a thing. Every summer vacation was spent in village, in the huge family home and the fun stories ma narrates is what Ruma mashi loves to hear.
So, along with the food came the stories and of course, Ria my younger daughter and I, were all ears.

The Day Menu on one afternoon :  Bhaat
                   Bhaja Moonger Dal
                   Mochar Ghonto
                   Parshe Maach er jhal                                                    
                   Rui maacher Kalia
                   Khejur-Amsotto Chaatni
                   Misti &
                   Misti Doi.

Bengali Misti Doi

Chanar Sandesh
Dinner Prepared Ria
The Dinner Menu on one evening :  Roti
                              Bhendi Ir Torkari
                              Sabudana Payesh
                              Banana&Walnut Cake
                              Filter Coffee                                                            
Banana&Walnut Cake With Filter Coffee

Fun and laughter filled the days and evenings.
 Strong family ties are responsible for us having a steady flow of relative's all round the year. When around the world and even around us, we see broken families, I am reminded as to how lucky I am, to be able to give my girls a stable home, strong roots and blessings of elders. This is the only lasting source of happiness, I feel .

Something I read :

Ashok kumar Ghosh writes......

The other day, while taking a walk, I noticed a ramshackle bus with a Volvo sign parked on the roadside. I found the driver and helper sitting beside the bus enjoying a smoke. I asked them if their bus was indeed a Swiss Volvo. At this , they were very amused and asked me to read the Volvo sign again.
I noticed a small "NO" written atop the word "Volvo"!!! I laughed with the men at this revelation.

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