Friday 21 February 2014

Maacher Dhoka

I am back after a l -o- n -g  break .

The best thing about holiday's is that you loose track of time as you don't have to maintain routines or schedules. Regular life , everyday routines are shelved and put away for some time while you take life as it comes.
My mornings began late......way past 10 and bedtime was way past midnight too.

Now that I am back, I feel good, I feel like a Queen again. But I missed you friends cause you all are a big part of me now.

As one of my dear friends puts it, "I have been labelled as a cheap stake "by my man and his mother because I never waste anything. I recycle all. I stock food in my fridge, as we have friends and relatives dropping in all the time , sometimes announced and sometimes not.

My fridge shelves are a lot less cramped today. My MIL is back from her holiday. She was on her annual vacation. She and Mr.S have only freshly cooked food and blame it on their weak stomach.

What I dished out to Mr.S is with leftover fish. It was a day old Bengali fish curry that I converted
into a new dish.

This is what I made.

Maacher Dhoka

Maacher Dhoka

Ingredients I Used For The Dhoka :

Rui Maach...........4 pieces(Deboned)
Potato(Boiled)...........1 medium size
Ginger-Garlic Paste......1 tbsp
Green Chilly Paste........1/2 tsp
Garam Masala Powder........1/4 tsp
Salt - per taste
Bread Crumbs...........2 tbsp or as required
Aluminium required
White Oil.........a few drops

In a mixture bowl, put all the ingredients (fish pieces, potato, ginger-garlic paste, green chilly paste,salt-sugar,and  the eggs ) and churn well to mix all ingredients.
Now add the bread crumbs in this mix.
Grease a bowl with white oil. Then pour the mix in the bowl. Cover with aluminium foil and steam.
It should take at least 15 minutes on a gas stove. You can use the Micro wave or OTG to steam if you like..
When done, cool completely.Then cut into squares or diamonds. Dhoka is ready .

Now, you will need to deep fry the Fish Dhoka pieces in white refined oil till golden. You can serve these crispy fried Fish Dhoka pieces as snacks with Tea . If you are serving with a meal , then prepare a gravy to go along with this Fish Dhoka .

I used Rui as this was a dish I was recreating with left over fish but you can use others too.
Just boil with little water and then d'bone or fry in a little oil, cool and d'bone.

For the Gravy :

Onion...........1 medium size
Ginger...........1/2 inch
Garlic............2 pods
Green Chilly.......2
Tomato..............1 medium size
Turmeric Powder...........1/4 tsp
Red Chilly  Powder.........1/4 tsp
Garam Masala Powder.......1/4 tsp
Coriander Powder..............1/4 tsp per taste
Bay Leaf............2
Coriander whole......1 pinch
Mustard Oil............2 tbsp

Make a fine paste with onion, ginger, garlic, green chilly  and tomato.
In a bowl, add the dry spices to 1/4 cup of water and mix.

Heat  the mustard oil( use any oil if mustard oil is not what you use regularly) in a large pan and add the bay leaves and whole coriander. Let it splatter and then add the prepared paste. Stir fry till oil separates. It takes a bit of stirring  and time.
When you see the oil on the sides , add the wet paste prepared with the dry spices. Now you will have to again cook stirring till your kitchen is filled with a nice aroma. If required,  you can add some water to help you while frying the spices.
Now, add enough water to make a gravy and let it come to a boil. Adding hot water helps.
Carefully add the fried Fish Dhoka pieces to the gravy . Do not stir much after adding the Fish Dhoka;s or else you will end up with a muddle of a dish. When the dish comes to a boil, transfer very carefully to a flat serving dish.
This I served with rice but you can serve it with Paratha or Roti.



  1. Darun!
    Good to see you back!

    1. Thanx dear, it is nice to be back among friends.I have missed you.
