Friday 28 February 2014

Winter Colours :The office picnic

Sorry for having gone missing. Hope you all are well and safe.Noo matter where I go and whatever I do I will always miss you all.....Hugs :)

 Winters are incomplete without outings.This year we enjoyed a picnic with office colleagues and family at Saheb Gardens, Duttapukur This was a large picnic, just as company picnics are with quite a few families, outdoor games, entertainment cook out  etc.

Mr S suggested we take the car but I said no ...travelling with the others would make the journey energetic and happening. 

The bus journry


Hot fritters coming off the pan

Flowers in full bloom

bright colours added to the beauty of the surroundings

children enjoying

Beautiful surroundings

Some of the talented recited n sang for us

Games played : Breaking the wicket
Men enjoying their drinks with variety of fritters
Breaking the wicket

Elaborate menu For the tab
The ladies enjoying the food
We ended the day with tea and biscuits

After our evening tea and biscuits, we boarded the bus again. Usually, the return journey after a whole day of excitement is very uneventful and boring, but this time it was not to be so.

The young and old all divided up into two groups and played "Antaksari" till the very last . It was so much fun !!

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