Wednesday 26 February 2014

Simply Chinese

Friday  Dinner : Tried and tested Chinese

Veg Chowmein

Sent Jonardhan Late (Yes that's his surname!!), my MIL's man-friday to buy egg noodles packet and he made this for us ......of course I helped with the veggies. I made mine with only the veggies available to me. There were only carrots, french beans and capsicum in my fridge and I decided to use them. 

Try this easy Veg Chowmein recipe, when in a hurry or when you don't want to make an elaborate meal.

Egg Chowmein

I Used :
French Beans-6,chopped small
Green Bell Pepper(Capsicum)-1,medium size,sliced
Vinegar (White)-1 Tsp
Soya Sauce (Light)-1 Tsp
Tomato Sauce (Home made)-1 Tsp
Ajinomoto-1 pinch
Salt& Pepper-as per taste

Boil water in a large pan and cook the Chowmein till soft with a teaspoon of  salt. Drain and wash well under running water to cool.Now, leave on the strainer. Coat with 2 tbsp of Refined Oil. Keep aside.

Next heat 2 tbsp Olive Oil or refined Oil in a wok and saute the onion slices till they are transparent.Then add the other vegetables and cook stirring continuously till all veggies are soft.Its going to take time as you will have to cook on low flame.

Once the vegetables are soft add the sauces, salt &pepper,Vinegar  and ajinomoto. Cook stirring. 
Add the boiled chowmein  and toss to mix with the the sauces.
Check the seasoning and turn the flame off.

Chilly Paneer :

Chilly Paneer
I Used :

I modified the non-veg chilly chicken dish to make Chilly Paneer for MIL.
Take 2oo grams fresh Paneer/Cottage Cheese and cut them into large cubes.

For the Batter :

Maida...........................1/4 cup
Cornflour.......................1/4 cup
Soya Sauce.....................1 tsp
Baking Powder..............1/4 tsp per taste

For frying :

1 cup White Refined Oil

Ingredients :

Garlic chopped....................2 tsp
Ginger grated........................1 tsp
Spring Onion, finelychopped...............1/4 cup
Green Capsium,large cubes....................2
Onion,large cubes...................................4,medium
Green per taste
Soya Sauce......................................1 tsp
Sugar...............................................1 tsp per taste
Refined Oil......................................2 tbsp

Make a thin paste of..........1 tbsp Cornflour and water


Make the batter and then dip the cottage Cheese (Paneer)cubes one by one in the batter to coat properly. Heat deep fry in hot oil till golden and remove. Drain the excess oil.
Now heat 2 tbsp in a pan and  lightly fry the onion and capsicum pieces and remove.
In the same oil, add the garlic, ginger, green chillies and saute on high flame , stirring continuously.
Add Soya Sauce, Sugar, Salt and stir.Then add the cornflour water mix and bring to a boil.
Add the cottage cheese pieces and mix lightly to coat.
Remove and serve immediately.Sprinkle spring onion as garnish ( Optional)

Chilly Chicken

Chilly Chicken

The chilly chicken procedure is the same as above, chilly paneer.

Instead of Paneer we used Chicken

P.S -This is dedicated to my daughters. We are a  family of 9, women outnumber men. All the three young girls of  my family just love chinese.......any which way it is prepared.
This is inspired by the chinese locally made, you know the kind that's always available in small shops that can be seen around the corners, in the eastern part of our country mostly. Local  chinese food is marvellous cause we have adopted it to suit our tastes.

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