Wednesday 24 August 2011

Motor Shutir Kochuri (Green Peas Kochuri)

I love cooking , especially for my kids, and with their active help sometimes over the weekends and vacations. Bengali's love to eat, feed others and cook. My cooking is very special cause i learnt it not only from my parents who were  originally from Bangaladesh, but also from my mother -in-law who is from west bengal ,India.


Refined flour – 300 gms
Ghee / Oil – 4 tbsp
Water – 4 ½ tbsp
Green Peas – 500 gms shelled
Asafoetida – ½ tsp
Chilli powder – ½ tsp
Cumin-chilli powder – 2 tsp
Salt – to taste
Sugar – 2 tsp – or to taste
Oil – for deep frying

How I prepare the kochuri:
1.    Cumin-chilli powder: Roast 1 tsp cumin seeds and 2 red chillies on a griddle till they are crisp to the touch. Grind to a fine powder.
2.    Combine the refined flour, 1tsp salt, 2 tbsp ghee / oil, water and knead into a stiff dough. Refrigerate for 2 hrs.
3.    Grind the peas to a fine paste.
4.    Heat 2 tbsp ghee / oil in a wok.
5.    Lower the flame and add the asafoetida.
6.    Add the pea paste, sugar, salt to taste and chilli powder. Mix well and cook for 5-6 min on a low flame, stirring all the while so that it does not burn.
7.    Add the cumin-chilli powder and cook for another 2 min.
8.    Remove from fire and keep aside.
9.    Divide the dough into equal portions, each the size of a medium lemon.
10. Shape each portion into a disk about 2 inches in diameter.
11. Make a well in the middle, add adequate stuffing and cover it.
12. Roll each into a disc about 3 inches in diameter.
13. Deep fry on a low flame till golden brown in colour.
14. Drain excess oil and serve hot

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