Monday 21 November 2011

Chicken Sweet Corn soup

Ingredients :

Chicken...................................................................3 pieces
Water......................................................................3 cups
Garlic Flakes..............................................................2
Sweet Corn................................................................1 cup
Salt.............................................................................1/2 tsp
White Pepper Powder..................................................1/4 tsp
Sugar...........................................................................1/4 tsp
Cornflour.....................................................................3 tsp
Spring Onion...............................................................1/2 tsp

To Garnish :

Spring Onion.............................................................1/2 tsp
Boiled Shredded Chicken...........................................1/2 tsp

Preparation :

In a pressure pan, heat 3 cups of water and 3 pieces of chicken with 2 flakes of garlic. Pressure cook for one whistle .When the chicken is soft put gas off . Strain the stalk in a large bowl.

Take one bowl sweet corn cream style(tinned). Put in a pan and heat with the chicken stalk. Now add Salt 1/2 tsp, White pepper 1/4 tsp, Sugar1/4 tsp and let it boil.

In a small bowl, mix3 tsp cornflour with 1/4 cup water.

Shread the chicken and keep aside in a bowl.

When the soup boils add chicken and also the cornflour paste. Keep stirring while adding. Let it thicken. Add finely chopped spring onion.......only the green part....1 tsp.

To Serve :

Take a soup bowl. Put the chicken sweet corn soup in it. Garnish with  very finely chopped green  spring and shreaded chicken.
Serve Chilly sauce and Soya sauce with it.

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