Friday 25 November 2011

Sitafal Malai Chop(Custard Apple Dessert)


Atta pulp (Sitafal /custard apple).......................................................1/2 bowl

Cold Milk.........................................................................................1/2 bowl

Condensed Milk................................................................................1/2 bowl

Cardamom Powder...........................................................................1/2 tsp

Bread Slice.......................................................................................1-2

Silver Foil (Varak).............................................................................1 sheet

Method :

Carefully take out the seeds and then spoon out the pulp from the fruit. 

Mash the pulp and pass through a seive to get a smooth pulp paste .

In a bowl take cold milk, mix condensed milk and cardamom powder in it.

Now discard the sides of the bread slices and soak in the milk mix.

Press out all milk by holding one slices between your palms. 

Place Custard apple/ ata /sitafal pulp in one corner of the soaked slice and cover with the other corner. 

Lightly press to seal. Keep aside on a serving dish.

Repeat the process with the other slice.

 To Serve :

Place the sandwiches on a dish, top with two teaspoons of the milk mix.

 Then put some Ata/custard apple pulp on top.

 Decorate with varak (silver foil).

Serve chilled.

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