Friday 27 July 2012

Alu Bora (fritters)

Monsoon brings with it a craving for piping hot tea-coffee and hot, deep-fried diet disasters........

Bora (pakoras/fritters)  are made with potatoes, onions, spinach, eggplant, paneer, green chilly, spring onion and many more. I love mushrooms ,and I use them as well. They are next best to meat.

Served with tea or coffee, this is comfort food at its best.

In kolkata, we all have Adda (chat sessions) and we enjoy nothing nothing more than hanging out with best friends and having a laugh. Alu  bora or pakora are served hot at such in- formal gatherings as well.


Potato                                                            500 grams,boiled and mashed
Fresh coriander                                               1 tsp,finely chopped
Onion                                                             1 medium,finely chopped
Green chilly                                                     3-4,finely chopped
Salt                                                                  to taste
Oil                                                                   for deep frying
Flour (maida )                                                  a little
Cornflour                                                         4-6 tbsp
Eggs                                                                2
Baking Powder                                                a pinch

Method of preparation :

Mix together potatoes and all the other ingredients and mash together.

Form balls with the potato mixture ....the size of a lemon and flatten slightly.

Now roll the flat balls on flour to lightly coat each .

Make a smooth batter with the cornflour, eggs, baking flour and salt .

Heat oil in a wok.

Now dust away the loose flour and dip the balls in the batter and deep fry till golden brown.
Drain off excess oil on a paper towel.

U can serve with a sprinkle of chaat masala on top.

Aloor Bora (Potato Fritters)

These are a hit right from the start. Even non-vegetarians love them !

And did I mention that you can serve these with delicious tangy apple balsamic sauce, or our Bengali mango kasondi or simple with good old, all purpose...... TOMATO KETCHUP !!

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