Wednesday 31 October 2012

Bengali Mini Rasgulla Rabri

Bengali Mini Rasgulla Rabri

Sweets of all kinds are very popular in India and are eaten at the end of every meal. In some parts of India, they even feature as one of the items of breakfast. And when one thinks of Indian festivals, one cannot but conjure up visions of a variety of multi coloured mouth-watering sweets. The sweet dish must complement and even compete with all other dishes in the menu.

Ingredients :

Full Cream milk...................................................................................2 litres
Cottage Cheese ..................................................................................made from 2 litresfull cream milk
Lime Juice...........................................................................................3tbsp
Flour...................................................................................................5 tsp
Rose Water...........................................................................................2 tbsp
Seed From Green Cardamoms (powdered).............................................4
Khoya..................................................................................................1/2 cup
Sugar...................................................................................................2 cups per taste

Procedure :

To prepare the small small Rasgullas, boil the milk on medium flame .
When the milk begins to boil, add the lime juice and curdle the milk. Turn the flame off and let it stand for ten minutes. Then strain with a muslin cloth. Tie the muslin cloth and hang for one hour to completely drain off all water.
Now, put the cheese into a flat tray and knead till very soft and all lumps are removed. Sprinkle the flour over the surface of the cheese and work it into the cheese to mix well. Add the crushed green cardamom to the mix. Divide into equal size mini balls.

Boil the full cream milk till it reduces to less than half the original quantity. Add the khoya. Add sugar according taste. This dessert is not too sweet. Remember the milk and khoya too has its own sweetness so add carefully.

Add the small cottage cheese balls and bring the milk to a boil. Add rose water. Turn the flame off and cool. Serve cold.

Enjoy Mini Rasgulla Rabri!!!

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