Thursday 25 October 2012

Phoolkophir Chochchori

Labra and chochchori herald the end of summer and the advent of a new crop of fresh and juicy vegetables. Both dishes are mixed vegetables are spicy dishesand they go very well with both khichuri and plain rice.

And chochchoris are not just cooked with vegetables but often with vegetable peels (skins)too.

Aloo Phoolkophir chochchori :

Ingredients :

Cauliflower (Phoolkofi)................................1 large,cut into medium sized florets
Poppy Seeds.................................................2 tbsp
Yellow Mustard Seeds..................................1 tsp
Green Chillies......................................................4-5 or as per taste
Nigella Seeds.......................................................1/2 tsp
Oil................................................................1 tbsp
Salt per taste
Sugar....................................................................2 tsp or as per taste


1.Wash and drain the cauliflower. Apply 1 tsp salt and keep aside. You may steam in salt water  if you wish and then drain well.
2. Grind together coconut, mustard seeds, poppy seeds,green chillies with 1/2 tsp of salt to a fine paste .
3. Heat the oil in a wok.
4. Add the nigella/onion seeds.
5. Add the cauliflower and stir on a high flame .
6. Lower the flame,cover and cook.Sprinkle some water if necessary.
7.When the  vegetables are almost done , add the coconut-mustard-green chilly-poppy seed paste. Also add salt and sugar as per taste.
8. Cover  and cook till the spices are cooked and the cauliflower is tender yet crunchy.
9. Remove the cover and fry for a couple of minutes more.
10. Garnish with green chillies and serve hot with plain rice.

You may add Potato(aloo) if you wish. Peel and cut into half inch pieces. 

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