Monday 31 March 2014

Bengali Fish Curry : Gurjali MaacherJhol

Gurjali Maacher Jhol

This is a simple fish curry and easy to make dish.
Ingredients are few and the taste supreme.Would like you all to give it a try.

What you need .......

Gurjali Fish (Gurjali Maach).............................3
Ginger..............................................................1/2 inch piece
Cumin Seeds....................................................1 tsp.
Green Chilly...................................................2-3
Tomato,small....................................................1 grated or pureed
Turmeric powder...............................................1/4 tsp
Salt................................................................according to taste
Mustard Oil....................................................2 tbsp

For the Tempering :

Nigella Seeds ( Kalo Jeere )..............................1 pinch

For Garnishing :

Fresh Coriander..............................................1 tbsp,finely chopped
Green Chillies,slit............................................2-3

Gurjali Maach

Preparation :

Grind the Cumin Seeds, Ginger and Green Chillies to a fine paste using some water.
Make a puree of the tomato or you can grate it .
Sprinkle  some Turmeric and salt on the fish pieces and keep aside.

How to Prepare the curry :

  Heat the Mustard oil and fry the fish pieces lightly and remove. Too much frying will harden the fish pieces and we do not want that.

Reduce the heat to sim and add the kalo jaere to the oil.

   Stir a bit and then add the paste prepared earlier. Stir fry a bit and then add the tomato and continue frying till a nice aroma fills your kitchen.Then you will know its done .

     Add the turmeric (1/4 Tsp  )and salt  as per taste . Stir these in and then add 1 small cup of water .
Let the water come to a boil and then add the fish pieces. Once the fish pieces are added it will lower the temperature a bit , so wait for it to boil again turn off the heat.

     Sprinkle the finely chopped Coriander and slit Green Chillies and cover with a lid.
Give a standing time of 5 minutes and  after that serve.

This is served with plain  Boiled Rice .


  1. The picture is not of Gujrali fish , it is of Pabda fish .

  2. I second that.. Its pabda.. not gurjali..

  3. yes. you are right. This is not Gurjali, I just had it today and it did not look like anything from the picture !!
