Thursday 6 March 2014

Fruit Chutney

Fresh Fruit Chutney

A type of Indian relish that is sweet and sour served along with vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes at all meals.

Ingredients :

Apple.................................................................1/2 sliced for garnish
Grapes................................................................1 bunch
Raisins.................................................................a handful
Sugar....................................................................1 cup
Lemon Juice.........................................................juice of 1 lemon
Salt.......................................................................1/2 tsp
White Oil.............................................................1 tsp
Bengal 5 Spice Mix (Paanch Phoron)....................1 tsp
Dry Red Chilly....................................................1
Cornflour..............................................................1 tsp
Water...................................................................just a little bit

Preparation :

Put a large bowl of water to boil. When the water comes to a boil , add the tomatoes whole. The skin of the tomato will turn soft and break. Remove from the hot water and cool. Remove the skin .

Soak the raisins in water for 15 minutes and remove. Keep aside.

Method :

Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Then, add the Dry Red Chilly, Paanch Paanch and stir a bit. When you get the aroma of spices frying, its time to put in the Tomato and Apple.  Bring to boil over high heat stirring. Mash the tomatoes with your ladle. Reduce heat and simmer. Cook until thick. It should take 10-15 minutes.

When the fruits soften, add the Sugar and Salt . When the mix thickens, add the Grapes. The grapes will soften in the heat. Add the Raisins

Mix a little water to the Cornflour and strain this liquid into the chutney, to thicken it. Give it a stir after adding in the cornflour mix.

Switch off the heat and
add the Lemon Juice .

To Test if the chutney is ready.....

Put a spoonful of the chutney on a plate and keep aside. If water leaves the sides of the chutney, its not ready yet. Return to thicken over heat. Always add the grapes after you achieve the correct consistency.

If you wish to keep this chutney for a week,then cool before  filling into clean jars. I always keep chutneys in my fridge .

Garnish with  finely sliced apple. Decorate as you wish.
The chutney is served cold  or at room temperatures.

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