Thursday 27 March 2014

Chirer Ros Puli Pithe

Our neighbors the Saha's used to have Pithe Parbon at their place. Ladies got together to celebrate the festival. A huge coal and wood fire was set up. A big "Handi"of water was put to steam.On the "Handi" was placed a basket "Jhuri"
In it "Bhapa Pithe " was put to steam.

Rice powder was used. Rice powder was knead into a dough with warm water.The soft dough was made into a large chapati (Indian Bread) / Roti and cut into small rounds.Using the Gujia moulds   (see picture) small Gujia's were made .The filling was made with Grated Coconut, Nolen Gur ( Jaggery), and  Koya Kheer (Home style condensed Milk).These Gujia's were then steamed .When ready it was served with very thin Nolen Gur (Jaggery in a liquid form).
Now, when cool the left overs were boiled in thick sweetened milk popularly called Kheer in Bengali and served as "Doodh Puli" another form of Pithe.
Pati Shapta was made with soaked Gobindobhog Rice. Rice that had a mild scent.The soaked rice was grinded to a thin paste. On a hot greased griddle a spoon full of the batter was spread, a filling spread in the center and then rolled like an omlette.
Gokul Pithe was made too. A thick batter with Refined Flour and baking soda  was made.Then a coconut and jaggery filling was  prepared. It was divided up equally into equal size balls. These were then dipped into the flour batter and deep fried to golden colour. A thick syrup was prepared, boiling  water and sugar together and the golden fried crisp balls were soaked in it.
Now, this Chirer Ros Pithe is one that I have learnt from my dear friend Sharmistha Dey. She is a writer and a television personality. She teaches too.

Gujia Moulds


Flaked Rice (Chire ).......................200 grams,thin variety Coconut..........................................1 medium size,grated Sugar.............................................500 grams
Jaggery (Gur).................................200 grams 
Cows Milk......................................1/2 litre
Refined Flour ( Maida) required 
Clarified Butter (Desi Ghee)............1 Tbsp
Refined required for Deep frying

 Method :

Soak the thin Chire in water . Keep aside to soak for five minutes.
Heat 500 grams of Sugar with 200 ml water to make a thick syrup. Cool . The prepared Pithe's have to be added into cool syrup.

Drain off the excess water and squeeze the flaked rice .Then make a smooth dough. Add  Desi Ghee and enough Refined Flour to make a dough (Four or five Tbsp should do). Mash well.
Make a coconut filling. Grate half a coconut. Heat a pan and heat  1/2 litre milk in it till it boils .Then add the coconut and keep ,stirring  often with a spoon.When the mix reduces and the coconut is cooked add the Jaggery. Keep stirring till the mix drys up completely and a nice aroma starts coming. Cool.
Now divide the dough and the coconut  filling into  equal number of portions. Take a  ball of the dough and make a bowl shape with it.  Right in the centre of  it put a  ball of the filling and cover up.Close all sides carefully and smoothen.  Now give an Puli shape to the Pithe. Prepare all and keep ready to fry. Heat oil for deep frying . Reduce the flame and on low heat deep fry slowly till light golden.Do not increase the heat while cooking or else the centre will remain uncooked while the top will become crispy at once. Fry in small batches and drop in the bowl of syrup. The pithe has to be hot while the syrup cool. Serve with the syrup. Keep soaked in syrup all the time

Coconut Filling

Prepared Puli Pithe Ready for Deep Frying

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