Saturday 26 February 2011

Crab Cakes

Ingredients :

Crab meat,mashed                                 400 grams
Onions,chopped                                     50 grams
Green chilly,chopped                              2
Curry leaves(optional)                            6-8
Coriander leaves,chopped                      a small bunch
Ginger,chopped                                      2 tbsp
Fresh Bread slices                                 2-3
Salt                                                        as per taste
Pepper powder                                      as per taste
Lemon (gondhoraj)                                 1-2
Refined oil                                              for pan frying

Method :

Clean crab meat and check to ensure there are no bones. Mix the ginger, onion, green chilly, coriander and curry leaves with the crab meat. Grate the green part of the lemon rind and add this to the crab meat mixture. Add a little lemon juice along with bread slices and mix all together. Add seasoning and keep in the refrigerator for an hour. Make small size balls and pan fry with little oil till crispy and done.

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