Sunday 25 December 2011

Home made Onion Pickle

There's nothing quite like an onion pickle to add some zing to your monsoon meal or your winter aloo/gobi paratha....

Try this one.....I saw this in the newspaper but didn't do anything about it...I usually keep paper cuttings of anything and everything....then I find this recipe staring back at me as a "thonga" paper packet!! Don't know about other places but in kolkata we still use paper packets made of old newspapers , to buy everyday items like eggs, sugar, dals etc from tiny grocery shops  which are situated at every corners of every by lanes.....

So here's the onion pickle for you....

1 kg onions
200 grams raw mango(optional)
50 grams ginger(minced or grated)
50 grams green chillies (minced)
Garlic as per taste (optional)
1/2 tsp asafoetida (hing)
1 1/2 cup mustard oil
8 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp fennel powder
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp ground spices
3 tsp red chilli pepper
12 tsp salt
1 tsp turmeric powder


Peel the onions. Cut each onion into six narrow pieces. Rub 7 tsp of salt on the onions and keep aside for 4 hours. Drain the water it oozes.

Grind the yellow mustard seeds coarsely and mix the remaining ingredients(ginger, garlic, green chillies, mustard oil, mustard seeds, fennel powder, cumin seeds, ground spices,r ed chilly pepper and turmeric)

Heat the oil until it's smoking hot and then let it cool. Pour it over the pickle in the jar. Add 1 tsp of salt on the top and use it after 4 days. The oil level shouldbe 1/2 to 1 inch above the pickle.

Serve with paratha.

Keep the pickle in an airtight,cool and dry container.Once in a while keep the pickle jar in the sun to sustain its self life.

Prawn Cutlet(Home made prawn cutlet mitra cafe style)

Prawn Cutlet of Mitra Cafe.....

The whiff of the cutlets and fries is so inviting  that you can't but stop yourself to have some......

Mitra Cafe, the famed north kolkata cafe, which is more than a 100 yrs old, is located near the Sova Bazar Crossing.

This 26 seater eatery is always packed with people all through the year. It opens its doors very early around 7 am so on a rainy week end  or a chilly winter day you can treat yourself to a spicy, crunchy Prawn Cutlet or a Diamond Fry or a Chicken Cutlet or a Fish Roll.......

I tried to replicate these after viewing a television program ....

Ingredients I used.....

Prawn, Ginger Paste, Onion Paste, white vinegar, Tomato ketchup, Mint paste, eggs, Refined flour, gram flour, corn flour, Salt, sugar.

Method used.....

Take large prawns. Wash and devein. The tail of the prawn is important so do not discard.

Mix ginger, onion, white vinegar, tomato ketchup and mint leaves together and make a paste.

Cut the prawns carefully and flatten. Spread on a dish and coat with the marinate in the paste. Season with salt and pepper.

Coat the prawns with a mixture of eggs, refined flour, gram flour, corn flour and sugar.

Deep fry till crisp. Serve with sauces or chutneys and salad.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Nalen Gurer Sandesh With Wine

Come winter and we Bengali's have a long  list of sweet meat made with Nalen Gur.

The Bengali Sandesh is a favourite with one and all.

Now chefs are coming up with innovations all the time and cooking up a storm by giving Bengali classics a twist.

This recipe is one of them......It may not go down well with everybody but what's the harm in trying to enhance the taste with the use of wine.... 

Nalen Gurer Sandesh With Wine

 Ingredients :

Cottage Cheese......................................................made from1 litre full cream milk
Lemon Juice...........................................................made from 1/2 a lemon
Powdered Sugar...................................................2 tbsp
Nalen Gur................................................................4 tbsp
Sweet Wine..............................................................4 tbsp

Method :

Put the cottage cheese in a muslin cloth and wash under running water to get rid of the sour, lemony smell. Tie the loose ends of the cloth and hang to drain all the water. Do this for an hour and then place the cottage cheese on a plain surface and press with something heavy to make it completely dry. After another hour take this cheese on a flat plate.

Start kneading with the heel of your palm. Once the cheese becomes smooth (approx 5 minutes) add the sugar and again knead till all the sugar melts in (another 2-3 minutes).

Finally, add the jaggery before kneading the dough for another couple of minutes. Take this in a non-stick pan and on very low heat cook this for 3-4 minutes. Now add sweet wine to the mix. Keep stirring the dough continuously. Don't paniic if you find the dough little soft, it will harden as it cools.

To give shape to sandesh use stone terracotta moulds. Brush the inside of the mould with little ghee or refined oil and press little bit of dough to transfer the design.
Remove from the dough and keep on a serving dish.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Soya Nugget Curry

For many years I have been collecting recipes and writing them down in diaries. I have therefore began sharing all those recipes with you so that you can recreate each recipe, just as I do in my kitchen here in Kolkata, India.

If you are an experienced cook, please excuse me when I add or change any detail to each recipe. I have sometimes chosen quick and easy to make procedures over authentic ones but that does not make the dish any less authentic or delicious.

Please try these recipes that I have tried many times with good results in your kitchen and don't forget to tell me about your experiences. Have fun !!!!

Ingredients :

Soya Nuggets................................................................ 100 grams
Potato,cubed................................................................. 2,large
Onion ........................................................................... 1,small
Ginger Paste....................................................................1 tsp
Green Chilly....................................................................4
Turmeric Powder............................................................1/2 tsp
Coriander Powder...........................................................1 tsp
Cumin Powder................................................................1/2 tsp per taste
Sugar..............................................................................1/2 tsp
AnikGhee........................................................................2 tbsp
Garam Masala Powder....................................................1/4 tsp
Refined oil.......................................................................4 tbsp

Method :

In a pan heat 2 cups of water and soak the soya nuggets for 20minutes. Squeeze out the water and repeat the process again. Heat the refined oil in a wok and fry the nuggets till golden. Remove and keep aside. Also fry the cubed potatoes till golden and keep aside.

Make a smooth paste of onion, green chilly and tomato.

Heat the ghee.I prefer using Anik ghee as it lends a wonderful and unique flavour to the dish.
Add the onion, tomato, green chilly and ginger pastes and fry till oil rises to the top and you start getting a nice smell.

Add the powder spices, salt and sugar next and fry. Sprinkle some water to avoid the burning of spices.

Add the potato cubes and 1 enough water to make a gravy. Cover with a lid and let the potato pieces soften and cook.

After 10 minutes remove lid and add the soya nuggets and simmer till the gravy thickens.Turn the flame off.

Sprinkle garam masala powder. Serve hot .

I serve it with paratha or roti.



Ingredients :

Chicken Pieces...................................................500 grams
Tomato Puree/sauce...........................................2tbsp
Soya Sauce........................................................2 tbsp
Black Pepper Corns..........................................1 tsp
Green Chilly,Chopped........................................2tsp
Dry Red Chilly....................................................2 per taste
Sugar.................................................................2 tsp
Refined oil............................................................1 cup for deep frying onion

Preparation :

Heat oil and saute the onion till brown. Remove the browned onions to a dish .This is called Barista.
Add sugar 2 tsp and brown.
Add 2 whole dry red chilly's and 1 tsp black pepper corns.
Add the chicken pieces .Saute well .
Add 2 tbsp soya sauce, 2 tbsp tomato sauce and  chopped 2 tsp green chilly and salt to taste. Mix all together.
Cover and cook for 5-7 minutes.
When done, sprinkle the fried onion on top.
Enjoy !!!!

Friday 25 November 2011

Sitafal Malai Chop(Custard Apple Dessert)


Atta pulp (Sitafal /custard apple).......................................................1/2 bowl

Cold Milk.........................................................................................1/2 bowl

Condensed Milk................................................................................1/2 bowl

Cardamom Powder...........................................................................1/2 tsp

Bread Slice.......................................................................................1-2

Silver Foil (Varak).............................................................................1 sheet

Method :

Carefully take out the seeds and then spoon out the pulp from the fruit. 

Mash the pulp and pass through a seive to get a smooth pulp paste .

In a bowl take cold milk, mix condensed milk and cardamom powder in it.

Now discard the sides of the bread slices and soak in the milk mix.

Press out all milk by holding one slices between your palms. 

Place Custard apple/ ata /sitafal pulp in one corner of the soaked slice and cover with the other corner. 

Lightly press to seal. Keep aside on a serving dish.

Repeat the process with the other slice.

 To Serve :

Place the sandwiches on a dish, top with two teaspoons of the milk mix.

 Then put some Ata/custard apple pulp on top.

 Decorate with varak (silver foil).

Serve chilled.

Monday 21 November 2011

Methi Begun (Fenugreek-Brinjal Dry Curry)

Ingredients :

Fenugreek Leaves.........................................2 cups
Brinjal,chopped..............................................1 cup
Dry Red Chilly................................................1 per taste
Turmeric required
Oil...................................................................a little
Fenugreek seeds...............................................a pinch
Green Chilly Paste...........................................1/2 tsp

Method :

Wash the fenugreek leaves very well under running water to clean. Chop very fine.

Heat oil and put dry red chilly and fenugreek seeds in first .Stir a bit.

Then add the fenugreek leaves, finely chopped and brinjal pieces.

Add the turmeric and salt and green chilly paste.

Add a dash of water and put a lid and cook till fenugreek and brinjal is soft.

When done put the flame off and serve.

It is a dry dish and is served with rice or Paratha.

Chicken Sweet Corn soup

Ingredients :

Chicken...................................................................3 pieces
Water......................................................................3 cups
Garlic Flakes..............................................................2
Sweet Corn................................................................1 cup
Salt.............................................................................1/2 tsp
White Pepper Powder..................................................1/4 tsp
Sugar...........................................................................1/4 tsp
Cornflour.....................................................................3 tsp
Spring Onion...............................................................1/2 tsp

To Garnish :

Spring Onion.............................................................1/2 tsp
Boiled Shredded Chicken...........................................1/2 tsp

Preparation :

In a pressure pan, heat 3 cups of water and 3 pieces of chicken with 2 flakes of garlic. Pressure cook for one whistle .When the chicken is soft put gas off . Strain the stalk in a large bowl.

Take one bowl sweet corn cream style(tinned). Put in a pan and heat with the chicken stalk. Now add Salt 1/2 tsp, White pepper 1/4 tsp, Sugar1/4 tsp and let it boil.

In a small bowl, mix3 tsp cornflour with 1/4 cup water.

Shread the chicken and keep aside in a bowl.

When the soup boils add chicken and also the cornflour paste. Keep stirring while adding. Let it thicken. Add finely chopped spring onion.......only the green part....1 tsp.

To Serve :

Take a soup bowl. Put the chicken sweet corn soup in it. Garnish with  very finely chopped green  spring and shreaded chicken.
Serve Chilly sauce and Soya sauce with it.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Aloo - narkel (Potato with coconut)

My grand mother prepared this dish in our Bagh Bazar home. Usually, we had this dish on the days of Hindu calender called "Ekadasi" or other vegetarian days . Prepared in Desi Ghee(Clarified Butter) it tasted heavenly. My grand mother made even simple dishes exhotic.

What You Will Need :

Potato (Aloo).................................................4, large,cubed
Bay Leaf............................................................2
Dry Red chilly.................................................2
Cumin Seeds( Gota Jeere).................................1 pinch
Cumin Powder(Jeere Guro)...............................1/2 tsp
Coriander Powder(Dhone Guro)...........................1/2 tsp
Chilly Paste........................................................1 tsp or according to taste
Green chilly......................................................4 per taste
Sugar(Chini).....................................................1/2 tsp
Garam Masala Powder......................................1 pinch
Refined Oil......................................................2 tbsp

Preparation :

Peel the potatoes and make cubes.

Grind the grated coconut coarsely. Keep a little for garnishing.

Heat refined oil in a deep pan and add the bay leaves and dry red chilly's. Also add the cumin seeds and let them splutter. Stir a bit.

Add the potatoes pieces and stir fry till reddish.

Next, add the dry spices,salt, sugar and green chilly paste mixed in a little water. Cover and cook them with the potato.

When the potatoes are soft, add the coconut and cook, stirring . Cover and cook for a minute or two. 

Add green chillies, slit. Sprinkle a pinch of garam masala powder. Switch off the flame and transfer to a serving bowl.

This is a dry preparation.

Earlier in my grandmothers kitchen, this dish needed at least 6-8 tbsp of Ghee for preparation and Paratha or Luchi fried in  Gawa ghee (Clarified Butter made from cows milk) was served along with it. Now a days, we use minimum quantity of oil for health purposes.  When  nice smell starts to fill your kitchen you will know the dish is ready !!


Tuesday 8 November 2011


Lamb – ½ kg (shanks)
Desi Ghee (clarified butter) – 1 tsp
Black pepper corns –  1 tsp
Cumin seeds – ½ tsp
Cinnamon Stick – 1 inch stick
Green cardamom – 5 nos
Bay leaf – 1 no.
Grated ginger – 1 tsp
Grated garlic – 1 tsp
Salt – 1 tsp
Finely chopped onions – 2 large
Red chilli powder – ½ tsp
Coriander powder – 2 tsp
Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
Fennel powder – 2 tsp
Curd – 1 cup
Green chilli chopped – 2 nos
Coriander leaves – 1 tbsp
Garam masala powder – ½ tsp
Gram flour – 2 tsp
Flour (Maida) – 1 tsp
Water – 1 ½ cup
Saffron – few drops
Kewra essence – few drops

For garnishing
Coriander leaves – 1 tsp
Chopped green chillies – 2 nos

1.      Heat 1 tbsp desi ghee in a pan (kadhai). Add black pepper corns, cumin seeds, cinnamon stick, green cardamom and bay leaf and stir for 1 min and add the chopped onions. Sauté till the onions are golden in colour.
2.      Add the freshly grated ginger and garlic. Add the lamb shanks and stir well.
3.      Add the red chilli, turmeric and coriander powders. Add salt and sauté well for 10 min on low flame. The more you fry the lamb with the masala the tastier it will be.
4.      Add one cup beaten curd and sauté till the water in the curd reduces. Cover and cook for 10 min. The colour of the mutton comes out great by this time.
5.      Add the water, cover and cook on low flame till the lamb is cooked and tender.

Traditionally it is left to cook on low flame. But if you are in a hurry, pressure cook to save time.

6.      Add two chopped green chillies , 1 tbsp coriander leaves and garam masala powder.
7.      In another pan, dry roast 2 tsp gram flour (besan) and 1 tsp flour. When good smell emits and the colour changes to golden, add this to the mutton. It not only thickens the mutton gravy, it lends a beautiful aroma to the dish.
8.      Add 2 tsp fennel powder and a few drops of saffron. Turn off the flame and add the kewra essence.
9.      Transfer  to a serving bowl and garnish with chopped coriander leaves and finely chopped green chillies.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Stuffed Grilled Chicken

Chicken breast – 2 pcs

Lemon juice – 1 tsp
Salt – 1 tsp
Red chilli powder – ½ tsp
Tandoori masala – 1 tsp
Garam masala – ¼ tsp
Thick hung curd – 1 tbsp

Mint leaves – 1 tbsp
Ginger grated – 1 tsp
Garlic grated – 1 tsp
Green cardamom – 2 nos
Chopped coriander leaves – 1 tbsp
Green chilli chopped – 1-2 nos
Finely chopped onion – 1 tbsp
Curd – 1 tbsp
Salt  - ½ tsp

For cooking
Oil – 3-4 tbsp
Corn flour / maida – 3-4 tsp

Coriander leaves – few
Tandoori masala – 1 tsp
Garam masala -  one pinch
Lemon juice – 2 tsp
Chopped spring onions – 6 tbsp

1.      Slice the chicken breasts from the side to make a pocket. Rub the chicken pieces with the ingredients of Marinade (both outside and inside the slit) and keep aside for 20 min.
2.      In a bowl properly mix all the ingredients for the stuffing. Now stuff the chicken with this mixture and seal the edges with tooth picks.
3.      Heat a grill pan with 3-4 tbsp cooking oil. Sprinkle corn flour or maida to coat the  chicken pieces on both sides. Grill the chicken pieces well on both sides.
4.      When done serve the grilled chicken on a platter. Sprinkle tandoori masala, lemon juice, coriander leaves and garam masala. Top with chopped spring onion. 

Friday 4 November 2011

Dahi Kabab

Thick hung curd – ¼ cup
Paneer crushed – 1 cup
Fresh bread crumbs – 2 slices
Roasted gram flour – 1 tbsp
Salt – 1 tsp or to taste
White pepper powder – ¼ tsp
Green chillies (finely chopped) – 2 tsp or to taste
Chaat masala or Amchur powder – ¼ tsp
Green cardamom seeds – 2 small
Ginger grated – 1 tsp
Coriander leaves (finely chopped) – 1 tbsp
Veg oil – ¼ cup

For garnish:
Chaat masala – 1 tsp
Finely chopped coriander leaves – 1 tsp

Dahi Kabab

1.      Take ½ cup curd and hang in muslin for 2 hours.
2.      In  a mixing bowl take the hung curd, paneer, fresh bread crumbs and roasted gram flour and all the other ingredients except the oil and knead very well till the mixture is soft and smooth.
3.      Make small tikkies (patty) out of this mixture and keep aside.
4.      Heat oil on a griddle and fry the kababs on both sides till they are bright golden.
5.      Remove to a  kitchen tissue to get rid of the excess oil.
6.      Transfer to a serving dish. Sprinkle chaat masala and finely chopped coriander and serve hot.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Hariyali Murg

Medium spiced and delicately balanced, the spinach adds great texture and flavour to this lovely chicken dish (not to mention a bit of extra nutritional goodness. I genuinely think that spinach haters will also relish this flavoursome preparation and reaffirm their opinion of spinach.

Boneless Chicken Breast  Pieces – 350 gms
Spinach (Boiled) – 20 leaves
Mint (Pudina)  – 2 tbsp
Coriander Leaves – 1 tbsp
Green Chillies – 2 nos
Garlic – 2 flakes
Ginger (Chopped) – ½ tsp
Lemon Juice – ½ tsp
Green Cardamom – 2 nos
Red Chilli Powder – ½ tsp
Water – 2 tbsp
Salt – 1tsp or to taste
Tandoori Masala – 1 tsp
Cumin Powder – ½ tsp
Chaat Masala – ½ tsp
Corn Flour – 1 tbsp
Oil – 1 tbsp

For Garnish
Chaat Masala – 1 tsp
Onion Rings – as required

1.    In a blender add the spinach, mint leaves, green chillies, ginger, lemon juice, garlic, green cardamom, red chilli powder and some water. Blend into a fine paste.
2.    Take the chicken pieces in a bowl and add salt, cumin powder, chaat masala and corn four. Mix well. Now add the paste prepared in step one and mix well. Cover with cling film and keep in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour.
3.    Skewer the chicken pieces on wooden skewers and keep aside.
4.    Heat oil on a grill pan. Place the chicken skewers on it and cook (turning frequently) till the chicken is cooked and browned on all sides.
5.    Serve on a platter with a sprinkling of chaat masala and onion rings.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Begun Pora(Charred Brinjal Appetizer)

Begun Pora

Ingredients :

Youghurt.........................................................................4 tbsp
Green Chillies,chopped.....................................................3
Fresh Green Coriander,chopped.......................................2 tbsp
Cumin Seeds,roasted&powdered.....................................1/2 tbsp per taste

Method :

Char the brinjals and skin them.Place them in a bowl.

Mash them with youghurt, chopped onion, chopped green chillies and green coriander.

Add salt as per taste.

Sprinkle the roasted and powdered cumin seeds on top and serve.

In Bengal, this is a dish that is often served at lunch as well as on the dinner table. Many a times  a  little raw mustard oil is added as well. Unlike the North Indian variety this one is not cooked ....all ingredients are raw.

Friday 14 October 2011

Just My Thoughts

Recently I read an article in the newspaper. Someone had written about old ancient  homes, once elegant buildings now gone or on the verge of breaking down.....

At Kumartuli

Shreya, my daughter was a member of a small group of photographers who would visit different parts of Calcutta to click interesting photographs of various things...In these were ancient buildings that were elegant once. Most of these structures that belonged to the elite classes are now dilapidated as they are not maintained properly.

I often wondered if anyone maintained any record of their exsistence. Such buildings were fast vanishing as promoters razed them down. There are many reasons for these old buildings of our city  vanishing forever . Most owners often wanted to sell these houses before they were declared heritage property. Very high maintanence costs also was a cause. Sometimes a large number of tenants renting the property, made it impossible for the owner to maintain the property thus leading to its collapse.  Some of these structures were so broken down that they were actually dangerous and some of the sections quite unsafe.

One of such buildings, belongs to the Mukherji  family of Chandan nagar. Most of the members of Mukherji family have shifted to kolkata and elsewhere. Some parts of the home, for instance, the Thakur Dalan, still remind us of what the estate looked like in its opulent era.

The Mukherji family

The courtyard, the terrace ,the balconies, the dalan, rooms, stairs, windows, doors, tiles, grills, pillars all invoke lost memories and the silence is quite incredible !
All have a story to tell.

Such a beautiful clutter of history.

This is quaint, real, a if in the distance one can still hear the conch shells as there is aarati going on in the thakur ghar of the Mukherji bari .
For the last 250 years Narayan has been worshipped here, protecting the family, of which only a few members still reside in the house. A house with 50-60 rooms, a mansion with two courtyards, a bari with achievements a home with people.....

Junior Mrs Mukherji, Chaitali

This time, I haven't written any recipe, just put on paper my thoughts......

If you have anything to say please feel free to write to me.....

Antic Homes
Pic By: Debashis Kundu

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Mourala (Fish) Fry:

Mourala fish  – 100 gms
Lemon wedges – 3 nos
Oil –  for deep frying

For marinating:
Garlic juice – 1 tsp (fresh)
Ginger juice  – 1 tsp
Lemon juce – 1 tsp
Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
Kashmiri red chilli powder – ½ tsp
Salt – to taste

For batter:
Rice flour – 1 tsp
Maida – ¼ tsp
Corn flour – 2 tsp
Salt – to taste

Wash and pat dry fish. Rub lemon juice, ginger juice, garlic juice, kashmiri red chilli powder, salt and turmeric powder properly to the fish and marinate for 20-15 min. Prepare batter with all the batter ingredients. Heat oil for deep frying. Mix the batter to the marinated fish. When the oil is hot add the marinated fish and fry till crisp. Serve hot.

Note: To avoid bitterness discard the head and insides of the fish.

Monday 12 September 2011

Hara Keema(spicy green mince curry)

My husband advises me to learn new things and unlearn past mistakes from every failure. Cooking is a great medium to inculcate interest in Indian culture among the younger generation. My mother always told me how to win a man's heart ......and that is through his stomach. She has recipes with seductive remedies. Her solutions to problems are simply awesome and creative. For most ,i just don the cheif's hat.


Mutton Keema – ½ kg
Green Cardamom – 2 nos
Cloves – 3 nos
Cinnamon – 1 inch stick
Bay leaf – 1
Red chilli powder – ½ tsp
Ginger paste – 1 tsp
Onion chopped fine – 1 large
Chopped green chilli – 1 tsp
Yogurt – 2 tbsp
Salt  - 1 tsp or to taste
Oil – 1 tbsp

For paste:
Spinach – 2 cups
Mint leaves – 20-25 nos

For garnishing:
Whipped cream – 1 tbsp
Chopped green chilli – 1 tbsp
Chopped green coriander – 1 tbsp

Heat oil in a pan. Put cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf and sauté for 1 min. Add chopped onion and fry till golden in colour. Add the keema and sauté till it changes colour. Add ginger paste, red chilli powder, yogurt and chopped green chilli, mix well. Cover and cook for 5 min. Uncover, add spinach and mint and cover again. Cook for 5 min.  Remove the cover and sauté till the water dries up. Transfer to a serving dish and garnish with cream, green chilli and chopped coriander leaves.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Methi Malai Matar(Methi diye matarsuti)

We eat out quite often. Most of the times, if I like something, I start searching for the recipe. I first tasted this dish during my husband’s posting in Punjab. I had this at a small restaurant in Bhatinda and my search for the recipe started immediately. That’s how the Methi Malai Matar came into my recipe repository! After some searching and trial and error, I finally settled on this recipe. It has a creamy taste and texture, yet spicy and aromatic too. Any time I make this dish, my friends end up asking for the recipe. It is delicious.

Onion – 1 big (chopped)
Cashew nuts – 12 nos (soaked in warm water)
Curd – 2 tbsp
Green cardamom – 2 nos
Cinnamon – 1 inch stick
Cloves – 2 nos
Salt – 1 tsp
White pepper powder – 1 tsp
Kasturi methi – 1 tbsp
Green peas – 1 cup (boiled)
Paneer – ½ cup (optional)
Cream – 1 cup
Milk – ½ cup
Water – ½ cup
Oil – 1 tbsp
Green chilli  - 1 or 2 as per taste


Heat 1 tbsp white oil and add green cardamom, cinnamon and cloves. Add the chopped onion and sauté till soft and not brown. Take it off the flame and allow to cool. When cool put it in a blender along with cashew nuts green chilies and curd. Blend it to a fine puree.

Heat the pan and sauté the paste. Add salt and white pepper stirring continuously to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan. Add half cup warm water along with the boiled green peas. Crush kasturi methi with your hand and add it to the pan. Add the paneer (optional) at this stage. Lower the heat and gradually add the milk stirring continuously. Similarly add the cream slowly stirring continuously. When the gravy turns thick, transfer to a serving dish. Serve with naan, roti or paratha.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Motor Shutir Kochuri (Green Peas Kochuri)

I love cooking , especially for my kids, and with their active help sometimes over the weekends and vacations. Bengali's love to eat, feed others and cook. My cooking is very special cause i learnt it not only from my parents who were  originally from Bangaladesh, but also from my mother -in-law who is from west bengal ,India.


Refined flour – 300 gms
Ghee / Oil – 4 tbsp
Water – 4 ½ tbsp
Green Peas – 500 gms shelled
Asafoetida – ½ tsp
Chilli powder – ½ tsp
Cumin-chilli powder – 2 tsp
Salt – to taste
Sugar – 2 tsp – or to taste
Oil – for deep frying

How I prepare the kochuri:
1.    Cumin-chilli powder: Roast 1 tsp cumin seeds and 2 red chillies on a griddle till they are crisp to the touch. Grind to a fine powder.
2.    Combine the refined flour, 1tsp salt, 2 tbsp ghee / oil, water and knead into a stiff dough. Refrigerate for 2 hrs.
3.    Grind the peas to a fine paste.
4.    Heat 2 tbsp ghee / oil in a wok.
5.    Lower the flame and add the asafoetida.
6.    Add the pea paste, sugar, salt to taste and chilli powder. Mix well and cook for 5-6 min on a low flame, stirring all the while so that it does not burn.
7.    Add the cumin-chilli powder and cook for another 2 min.
8.    Remove from fire and keep aside.
9.    Divide the dough into equal portions, each the size of a medium lemon.
10. Shape each portion into a disk about 2 inches in diameter.
11. Make a well in the middle, add adequate stuffing and cover it.
12. Roll each into a disc about 3 inches in diameter.
13. Deep fry on a low flame till golden brown in colour.
14. Drain excess oil and serve hot

Saturday 20 August 2011

Papad Ki Sabzi


Minced mutton – 250 gms (minced thrice)
Kashmiri red chilli – 30 gms
Roasted Besan – 25 gms
Green papaya paste – 20 gms
Garam masala powder – 5 gms
Papads – 8 nos (cut into quarters)
Desi ghee – 25 gms
Ginger paste – 15 gms
Garlic paste – 15 gms
Bay leaf – 1 no.
Mace and Cardamom powder – 5 gms
Sliced Onion – 100 gms
Beaten curd – 60 gms
Almond – 20 gms
Cashew nut – 20 gms
Fresh cream – 10 gms
Almonds sliced – 10 gms for garnishing
Cinnamon – 1 inch piece
Green cardamom – 2 nos
Cloves – 4 nos
Salt – to taste
Sugar – ¼ tsp
 Oil – 2 tbsp

Soak the Kashmiri red chillies in warm water for 10 min and grind to a fine paste. The mutton should be very finely minced.

Heat oil and sauté the finely minced mutton along with the Kashmiri chilli paste, mace and cardamom powder, garam masala powder, papaya paste, sugar, salt and roasted gram flour in a heavy bottom pan. When you smell nice aroma it is done. Keep aside to cool.
Apply water along the edges of one face of the cut papad.  Fill about 20 gms of the mince mixture and cover with another piece of papad. Seal the edges properly. Likewise prepare the other papad pieces. Place it on a clean plate and cook for 45 sec in the microwave oven.

Heat ghee in a pan and add the bay leaf, clove, green cardamom, cinnamon and sliced onions. Once the onions turn brown add the ginger and garlic pastes, salt and sugar. Sauté for 5 min till all the ingredients are well blended. Keep aside. When cool add beaten and cook on slow fire. Add almond and cashew nut pastes along with fresh cream and simmer. When cooked, remove from fire and spread on top of the previously prepared papad triangles. Garnish with sliced almonds.