Friday 2 March 2012

Aloo Potoler Dalna(Pointed Gourd dry curry)

The Bengalis were amongst the foremost maritime people of the subcontinent. They navigated the rivers and seas and caught vast netfuls of fish and crustaceans, the freshwater variety in particular. Therefore all classes were non -vegetarian. Calcutta is in the rice bowl that stretches eastwards to China and Japan. Cooking rice is not as easy as it appears. You do not just add water and boil the mixture. Unless each grain is soft and separate, you have failed the test of a cook in West Bengal. In bengal , food is prepared according to the seasons. Everyday food is prophylactic and antiseptic. A balanced and nutritious meal has become the standard in Bengali homes today with variations depending on circumstances and occasions.
 The basic standard meal in Bengal is faithfully followed as it was recorded nearly five hundred years ago.
*Sukto : a predominantly bitter preparation of bitter goud,brinjals,sweet potato and plantation.
*Saag : edible leaves ,seasoned and fried.
*Dal : pulses of a thick soup like consistency
*Ghonto : vegetables with or with out fish , cooked together to a soft mushy preparation
*Jhol : meat or fish ,with or without vegetables, cooked in a light gravy
*Ambol : sweet -sour dish of fruits, vegetables or fish
*Misti : sweets made of cottage cheese or milk, steamed or fried
*Doi :  curd ,sweetened or plain
In all cooking is a ritual in Bengal.

Aloo Potoler Dalna:


Potato,cubed                                            4,large
Pointed gourd,cut into two                         8
Cumin Seeds                                            1/2 tsp
Mustard Oil                                              6 tbsp
Bay Leaf                                                   2
Green Chilly,finely chopped                       2
Red chilly Powder                                     1/4 tsp
Coriander Powder                                     1/2 tsp
Cumin Powder                                          1/2 tsp 
Salt                                                           as per taste
Sugar                                                        1/2 tsp
Ghee                                                         1 tsp

Aloo Potol er Dalna

Method : 

Heat mustard oil and add cumin seeds,bay leaves and chopped green chillies.
Add the vegetables next and stir fry well.
Then add chilly powder,coriander powder,cumin powder,salt and sugar.Fry the spices well.Add a dash of water so that the spices do not burn.
When well fried add water,cover and cook till the vegetables are soft.
When the water reduces and the vegetables are soft , add ghee and dish out.



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