Friday 2 March 2012

Red Spinach cooked with Bitter Gourd(Lal Saag Sukto)

This is a variation of the Suktoni or the Sukto as it is familiarly called in Bengal. Sukto,served at room temperature ,is strictly a luncheon starter in summer and on special occasions.It is a mixture of vegetables,one of which must be the bitter such as the bitter gourd or palta pata, the bitter leaves of the wax gourd.

Ingredients :

Red Spinach(lal Saag)                             200 grams
Bitter Gourd(karela)                                 1
Potato,medium size                                   2
Ridged Gourd (jhinge)                              1
Brinjal                                                      1
Mustard oil                                               2 tbsp
Coriander powder                                    2 tbsp
Ginger paste                                             2 tbsp
Water                                                      4 tbsp
Ghee(clarified butter)                               1 tbsp
Bay leaves                                               2
Whole black mustard seeds                      1/2 tsp
Sugar                                                       1 tsp
Salt                                                          as per taste

Method :

Clean and cut off the steam from the red spinach. Chop the leaves and tender stems. Remove the large seeds from the bitter gourd and slice finely lenthwise. Peel the potatoes and cut each lengthwise into 8 pieces. Peel the ridged gourd and cut into 1 -inch pieces.Remove the stem of the brinjal and cut lengthwise to match the potatoes.
            Heat the mustard oil in a wok. Reduce heat and add all the vegetables except the spinach. Saute for 5minutes. Add the coriander powder, 1 tablespoon ginger paste, sugar and salt to taste. Mix well , add the water. Cover and simmer over a low flame untill all vegetables are soft. Add the spinach and cook untill the leaves are tender.
             In a separate pan heat the ghee until smoking, lower heat and add the bay leaves and mustard seeds. When they stop spluttering, pour in the contents of the wok, put a lid and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Finally, add 1 tbsp ginger paste, cover and cook for another minute and remove from fire. Serve at room temperature.

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