Friday 26 April 2013

Borar Jhaal

Indian families find any excuse to get together over food. Cooking up something delicious to share is all a part of the get together. This is what Indian life is all about.....Cooking, being with family and friends, chatting, celebrating with food, eating and enjoying a good healthy life on the whole...

This is a great combination of Bora and spice paste. It is typically Bengali. The paste of mustard and poppy seeds used in a dish is quite common in Bengal and Bengali's like to use it in every other dish.

The first thing you need to do is, soak a cup of Matar Dal  overnight and grind to a coarse paste.
Beat the paste well with hand to make it fluffy.
Chop an onion, half an inch of ginger and 2 green chilly's finely and mix.
Grind 4 tbsp of Poppy seeds with 2 tbsp of mustard seeds and 2 green chilly's to a smooth paste using little water. Mix Salt and Sugar as per taste and 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder to the paste .

Next, you need to put some oil to heat up. And then add the lentil paste little by little to make the Bora's. Fry all in Batches, till golden and remove.

Now add a pinch of Nigella seeds in the remaining oil and let them splutter.
Whole spices are added first in oil to bring out their flavours.
Add the slit Green Chilly's next.

Almost immediately add the spice paste mixed in some water and let it come to a boil.
 Add the Bora's and mix 1/2 a cup of water to make a gravy and let the water come to a boil and gravy thicken.There is not too much gravy in this dish.

Enjoy with hot Rice.....Bengali Style.

It's a beautiful dish and I think you should try it at least once.


  1. Quick question - do you know how to make mocha with sorshe bata? The version I had a long time ago was where the flowers are kept whole with only the inedible stick like thing removed. Tasted devine!
    Devi, Toronto

  2. Hi Devi, How are you? Very interesting to know about mocha with sorshe bata.Haven't cooked it in my kitchen but if you give me some time i will surely try it in my kitchen.Have you tried cooking it?

  3. Hi Devi,I put your question to my mother in law n she says Devi must be talking about Mocha Paturi(Mocha with mustard paste wrapped in banana). We do prepare mocha paturi at our place. Will post it soon.Its delicious.

  4. Thanks for your response Joyoti. I look forward to your mocha paturi recipe.
    Devi, Toronto
