Monday 22 April 2013

Choto Mashi's Fruit Cake

A Cake that has fruits in it is a fruit cake !
Fruit Cake is a cake with chopped candied fruits with enough dough to bind them together  
Traditionally, Fruit Cakes have liqueurs or brandy in them and are heavy cakes that can stay for a long period but home baked ones are mostly alcohol free. Fruit Cakes can last for months if stored in airtight boxes. Fruit cake that Choto Mashi prepared was light in colour. It doesn't have the half cup caramel that's usually added to fruit cakes nor half cup of liqueur (Rum).

Line a cake tin with greased paper  and sprinkle some refined flour as well.

Ingredients :

Chopped candied Fruits...............................................1 cup
Refined flour...................................................................2 cups
Baking Powder..............................................................1 tsp
Sodi-bi -Carb.................................................................1 pinch
Salt...................................................................................1 pinch
Butter...............................................................................1/2 cup
Sugar...............................................................................1 cup
Milk...................................................................................1/2 cup
Vanilla Essence................................................................1 tsp
Nutmeg Powder.............................................................1/2 tsp

Coat the chopped candied fruits with refined flour.
Pre-heat the oven.
Sieve the flour,nutmeg powder, sodi-bi-carb and baking powder.
Separate the egg whites from the egg yellows. 
Beat the egg whites till they are fluffy and they peak. 
Beat the butter with powdered sugar till creamy.
Beat the egg yellows with vanilla essence.
Add the flour mix little by little with the egg yellow.
Next the egg white goes in. Mix slowly with a spatula
 and fold till the whole flour is incorporated.
Pour the mix into the cake tin. Bake at 280 degrees till done. 
Keep checking with a toothpick till it comes out clean.
Let the cake cool in the tin itself.
Keep on a wire rack to cool for half an hour. 
Remove and peel the paper and store.

Choto Mashi prepared and brought this cake for us when she was travelling to Bangalore
via Kolkata from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand.
Its a simple fruit cake prepared by her.
I am sure everybody prepares this cake at home.
Happy Baking....

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