Wednesday 14 August 2013

Begun Ilish er Jhol

Begun Ilish er Jhol

Ilish Beguner Jhol


 Hilsa Fish (Ilish Maach)-1 kg, cut into pieces
 Eggplant/Brinjal (Begun)-1 mediun, cut into pieces
 Nigella Seeds (Kalo Jeere/kalonji)-1/4 tsp
 Green Chilly's-4-5, slit
 Turmeric Powder-1 tsp
 Red Chilly Powder (optional)-1/2 tsp
 Salt-according to taste
 Mustard Oil- 2 tbsp

Preparation :

 Please remember that Hilsa looses its taste if washed too much.
Coat the fish pieces with a pinch of salt and  turmeric powder . Rub them on well.
Chop the brinjal into small pieces and slit the green chilly's.
Make a paste, by adding a little water to the turmeric, red chilly powder and salt.
Hilsa tastes best when mustard oil is used to cook it but it may be too pungent for your liking.
If so you can use a combination of Mustard and refined oil or use only refined oil .

I do not fry the Hilsa pieces, as I follow my Aunt's recipe but if you wish fry the fish pieces lightly in 4 table spoons of mustard oil. I heat two tablespoons of Mustard Oil till smoking , add the Kalo Jeere and Green Chilly,  and then the brinjal pieces. Stir a bit. Add the turmeric-Red Chilly-Salt paste.
Add the Hilsa pieces . Add 1 &1/2 cup of water.  Bring to a boil. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.When the fish is soft , switch the heat off and leave in the pan for 10 minutes.
This tastes best with steamed Rice.

This preparation is exactly as my "Putul Mashi" (Notundi to my mother) used to cook. Now that her son, daughter and even son -in -law are all no more , Mashi and Mesho ( Uncle and aunt) live a quite life, all on their own.
Old age and failing health have taken over and with no charm left ,t hey wait for their end to come.
At old age, everyone has abandoned them and quietly they live on... I still remember the "Good Days",when all sisters and brothers were invited to lunches and dinners and we kids loved the very atmosphere around the house.  Mesho would shop for various fishes and Mashi would cook, herself for all . The taste still stuck on my tongue , I try and try but never can I create the  same magic in my preparation.
Two of my Boudi's (Sister-in -law's) have learnt a lot. They are elder to me by a whole decade and more and have been with Putul Mashi longer and so have learnt a lot  more.

As Putul mashi was a Bangal,she cooked the fish without frying it.

Begun Ilish er Jhol

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