Wednesday 19 December 2012

Caramel-Vanilla Marble Cake

Park Street at christmas
Some things about christmas never change. One of my earliest memories of christmas is of ma baking a simple ring shaped cake in a round electric oven. Ma used home made white butter. 
Then, ma's expertise at baking increased and thus entered the cooking range into our kitchen.
After my marriage, when I went to live with my mashi in law in Jharkhand I found a ma in her. She, like ma baked simple fresh cakes and the aroma around her kitchen had the same love .....
You can call me a rebel but I thought its was time to change the dish and give ma's and mashi's dish a makeover. While ma held on to her age old recipe mashi was open to change.
The chocolate and vanilla marble cake got a change when my mashi in law Maya Mukherji didn't have "chocolate" in her kitchen. She lived in a very posh but secluded place called Nildih Enclave and it didn't have any shops nearby. So caramel gave the required chocolate colour to this marble cake.

Caramel-Vanilla Marble Cake

Ingredients  used.....

Flour(Maida)................................................................3 cups
Sugar(Chini)...............................................................1 1/2 cups
Cream...........................................................................1 cup
Butter...........................................................................50 grams
Baking Powder...........................................................1 1/2 tsp
Vanilla Essence.............................................................2 tsp
Cinnamon(Darchini)Powder......................................1 tsp

This is how the cake is made.....

The very first thing to do is to pre-heat the oven.

Mix flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon powder 
together and pass through a seive .

Keep aside.
Caramel-vanilla marbel cake

Beat the eggs well.

In a mixing bowl, beat butter and cream together. 

Mix in the beaten eggs.                                                                              

Add a cup full of powdered sugar and beat together.

Add maida little by little and mix . 

Add the vanilla essence. 

Take 1/2 cup of sugar and prepare the caramel  by heating it in a pan till golden. 
Cool and powder the caramel. 

Then mix half of the batter to the caramel and get a golden brown colour in your batter. Let the other half be white. 

Roll Tutti frutty and nuts of your choice on flour and 
then add to both the mixes. This is optional. 
Avoid if you dont like tutti frutty.

Grease a baking tray. 
Cut butter paper to size and spread on all sides.

Now spread the white cake mix in the baking tin first, top with caramel mix.
Sprinkle the flour coated nuts on top.

Bake for one hour at 180 degrees celcius.

Insert a tooth pick to check whether the cake is ready.

Cut to pieces after the cake is cool and serve.

                 I love the texture of the cake. This is a simple one and I hope you enjoy baking this one. I can assure you its a delightful cake to have.

                 It is a great cake to make for a special weekend ......put some caramel icing on top and serve. I use the caramel syrups sold in the super markets. Spread it evenly and refrigerate to set the caramel topping. 

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