Saturday 15 December 2012

Shakar Pada

Shakar Pada

This is a snack that is very easily made and its a little sweet . I make this snack on festivals along with other delicacies.

 Shakar Pada :

Ingredients :

Desi Ghee...................................1cup
Sugar............................................1 cup
Flour.............................................5 cups
Refined Oil..................................enough for deep frying

Method :

1) In a bowl, mix 1cup milk, 1 cup ghee and 1 cup sugar. 

2) Boil it in a pan in a low heat. As soon as it starts to boil switch off the heat. let it cool.

3) Then add 5 cups Flour ( maida ) to it to make a dough.

4) Roll the dough,cut into strips cut the strips into diamonds.

5 )Heat oil in a deep pan and deep fry till golden in small batches. 

     Shakar pada ready!!

My friend Radha uses a different technique......
Here's how she prepares "Sakkarpara "

White Til.............................2 tbsp
Soda bicarb........................1 pinch
Cardamom Powder.............1/2 tsp
Rose Water.........................a few drops

In a bowl, mix soda bicarb , til, cardamom powder and make a stiff dough using water.
Roll into a thin roti , cut into strips and then cut the strips into diamonds.
Heat refined oil and fry the diamonds in small batches.
Next make a syrup of one thread consistency with 1 cup sugar. Dip the fried sakkarparas and wait till it coats with syrup. Remove and cool.

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