Saturday 30 June 2012

Singara (Samosa)

Singara as a snack, is a favourite with everybody in Bengal. A Bengali Singara is a bit smaller in size compared to those made in other parts of India and the filling is mainly of small pieces of potato and not mashed boiled potato along with other ingredients.The coating is of white flour and not wheat flour and its  slightly sweet in taste.

I make many different fillings for my singara.

Some Fillings for you............

1. Chopped potato and onion will be required. Heat refined oil  and saute the onions and then add the potato pieces. Fry well. Add salt, sugar and green chilly chopped. Cover and cook on low flame till potato is soft. When soft, turn the heat off and sprinkle garam masala powder.

2. Chop potatoes and boil till soft. Heat  refined oil and add 1/4 tsp asafotida ( Hing Powder) and the potato pieces. Add ginger paste, green chilly paste, sugar and salt. After removing from fire sprinkle roasted and powdered cumin, a pinch of garam masala powder and 1tsp lemon juice.

3. Fry Katla or Rui pieces and remove the bones and mash . Heat ghee or refined oil and add finely chopped onion, ginger grated, a few raisins, green chilly and fry well. Then add the fish mashed. Fry all well together. Add salt and remove. Sprinkle a pinch of garam masala powder and give it a mix.

4. Grind mutton mince(keema)  or chicken keema after boiling it. Heat refined oil and add finely chopped onion, ginger, garlic, green chiiy and fry all well. Then add the mutton mince (keema). Fry well. Add garam masala paste and salt. Remove when the mix browns.

5. Steam golden fried moong dal and drain all water. Chop ginger and green chilly. Mash the dal well and add the ginger, green chilly,turmeric powder,red chilly powder, salt and a little sugar. Heat ghee in a wok and put the dal and saute. Add garam masala powder. Remove when it starts to leave the sides of the wok.Cool the mix.

Now for the cover of the Singara, add refined oil or desi ghee2 tbsp to 250 grams of white flour. Add salt. Make a stiff dough. Cover and keep till you prepare any filling you like. You may buy  ready wraps from the market and put the filling as well. Heat Refined oil or Dalda vanaspati in a wok. Fry a few singaras at a time on low flame, but remove when half done. Remove before they start to colour. Keep aside to cool the half done singaras. Now  increase the flame and fry again till they turn golden. This way you will get very crispy singara.

Crisp and golden,this is a hot favorite with children and grown ups alike.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Mint Chutney

Just the very thought of mint is likely to leave you feeling refreshed, like me. This common herb, is also commonly known as Pudhina (Mint), especially in the northern parts of India. Its use for flavour is however universal.... its found in everything from chocolates and soups to toothpastes and mouthwashes. 

Mint has a characteristic smell and is an ever green and hardy plant.The refreshing odour and taste are due to the presence of menthol and menthyl acetate i read in a book.This property makes mint so popular.

I know very little about the origin of mint or where it was first cultivated. However  i know that it is easy to grow and it is an abundant herb and its is mentioned in ayurveda.

The plant and leaves are hardy, so can be kept for long and  washing in ice cold water revives  them instantly. It has a sweet,fruity,cooling sensation but there are people who are not very fond of the flavour and find it unpleasant,but even they would have to agree that mint cools the palate and leaves it fresh and tingling.

The medical properties of mint are well known and varied. Mint helps relieve gastric ailments and stomach disorders. It is used  as an effective gargle to keep away bad breath. Menthol can relieve toothache.

In India,mint chutney is very popular. Another popular food item is the pudhina sandwich. Mint leaves are also used to flavour naan rotis, kulchas, parathas and other Indian breads.It is combined with yoghurt to make pudhina raita.The strong smell of mint gives meat dishes a unique flavour.

Mint is used as seasoning. It is used in juices and is excellent in summers .I add it to carrot juice,as it makes the juice very refreshing.

Mix mint, rock salt (kaala namak), cumin (jeera), aam chur and lemon to cool water to make a nice drink.
I mix mint paste with aam ka panna and iced tea ,to increase the flavour.  Mint chutney is used to flavour as well as garnish dahi vadas and raitas.

Mint Chutney :

Ingredients :

Mint (pudhina) Leaves                                                     1 bundle
Green Chilly                                                                     2
Garlic                                                                               4 pods,peeled
Salt                                                                                  as per taste
Sugar                                                                               as per taste

Method :

Wash the mint leaves well.

Now add green chilly,garlic,salt and sugar to the mint leaves and grind to fine paste.

Add Tamarind paste 1tsp or mango powder .

If you want you can add fresh coriander leaves as well with the mint leaves.

A tablespoon of beaten yoghurt can be added instead of tamarind paste or mango powder.

Mint Chutney


Tuesday 26 June 2012

Naan Roti

 This is a very popular Indian Bread, n in the very first try, like me, you may not be able to get it right but with practice it can surely be mastered. 

Ingredients :

Milk                                                               150 grams
Yoghurt                                                          125 grams
Egg                                                                 1
Sugar                                                              25 grams
Baking Powder                                               50 grams
Salt                                                                1/2 tsp
Oil                                                                  75grams
Ghee                                                               10grams
Flour                                                               1 kilo gram
Nigella seeds                                                   1/4 tsp
White seame seeds                                          1/4 tsp

Method :

Mix the milk, yoghurt ,egg, sugar, baking powder, salt , oil and ghee.

Add the flour and mix well.

Knead and let the dough rest for an hour.

Knead again for five minutes and make the dough into 10 portions.

Roll out and pull to make it the shape of the sole of a shoe.

Sprinkle a pinch of  nigelle seeds and white seseme seeds on the top of the naan.You may grate gNaan Rotiarlic on top as well if you want to make garlic naan. Grated garlic gives the naan a distinct flavour.

Cook on a griddle for ten minutes turning once or in a moderate oven for 10 minutes at 350 degree f/180 degree celcius.

If you desire u may butter the naan after preparing it.

Serve Naan hot immediately on preparing or else it tends to turn rubbery.



Monday 25 June 2012

Narkel er Naadu or Coconut Laddu

I became passionate about food because of my mother and all the housewives in the family, they cook very well !! Food was a big part of my childhood. Our lives were occupied with thoughts associated with food. They were important because they are the beginning of every creation. One of the most popular sweets that a Bengali always prepares at home is "Narkel Naadu" so it was prepared even in our home. Now I too prepare it at my place and it turns out to be the pi`ece de resistance.

Ingredients :

Milk                                                         1 cup
Coconut (Shredded)                                 3 cups
Sugar                                                       2 cups
Rasins and cashew                                    1 tbsp each
Desi Ghee                                                 1 tsp

Narkel er Naadu 

Method :

In a pan heat 1 tsp Desi ghee and lightly saute the raisins and cashew. Keep aside.

Pour the milk into a pan or wok and boil. As soon as the milk starts boiling, put 2 cups of shredded coconut into it. Blend thoroughly ,stirring well with a spoon.

Only when the coconut completely absorbs the milk ,sprinkle sugar on it . Add the raisins and cashew. Keep stirring constantly on medium heat or else it will burn.

As soon as the mixture starts leaving the sides of the wok/pan, remove from heat. Let it cool slightly.

Now, put a drop of desi ghee(clarified butter) on your palm and make small size balls of this mixture.

Place rest of the shredded coconut on a dish. Roll the tiny balls on this coconut. This is optional, you may or may not do it.

Your coconut laddus are ready to eat.


Sunday 24 June 2012

Rawa Idli

                                                                       Rava  Idli

Ingredients :

 Semolina ( Rawa/Suji  )                                                            1 cup
Yoghurt (dahi )                                                                          1 cup
Water                                                                                       1/2 cup
Soda-bi- carb (mithi soda)                                                        1/2 tsp
Refined Oil / butter                                                                    1 tbsp
CurryLeaves,chopped                                                               1 tbsp
Salt                                                                                           3/4 tsp
Coconut ,grated                                                                        1/4 cup(optional)

Idli Steamer

Method :

In a bowl mix semolina, yoghurt, water, coconut, keep aside for ten minutes.

Add curry leaves and salt. Mix well.

Grease the idli stand with refined oil or butter.

Fill water in the steamer and let it come to a boil.

Mix the mitha soda to the mixture well and immediately fill into the idli stand. Put the filled stand in the steamer and cover .

Usually it takes ten minutes.

Remove the steaming idlis carefully and serve with coconut chutney.


Semolina Idli


Coconut Sandesh(Narkeler Sandesh)

Narkeler Sandesh

In Bengal, social  and religious ceremonies can not do without sweets. Many hundreds of sweet shops have emerged as a result of changing tastes and competition, not only in the country but all over the world. The old custom of distributing sweets in religious occasions still continues. Sweetened cottage cheese, khoa (Dried milk) and flours of different cereals and pulses are the usual components of the sweets of Bengal. some of the popular Bengali sweets are sandesh (shondesh in Bengali), Rasgulla (rashogolla in Bengali), Pantua, Chamcham (chomchom in bengali), Rasmalai (rosomalai  in bengali) to name a few.

Shondesh : This is made from sweetened and finely ground cottage cheese. Confectioners of Bengal have come up with a hundred varieties of the sweet retaining the basic structure. Shondesh can range from a simple kachagolla to the complicated jolbhora or indrani.

Ingredients :

Full Cream Milk                                   2 packets(1 litre)
Curd                                                    1/2 cup
Rose water                                           1 tbsp
Green Cardamom Seeds                       1/2 tsp, ground
Sugar                                                    150 grams, powdered

Method :

Heat the milk. When it starts boiling, add churned curd and heat till  the milk separates and forms Paneer or cottage cheese. Strain the water from the paneer or chana  using a cloth strainer. Tie the paneer in the cloth, dip in cold water and place under weight to drain out all the water. OR you can just buy 225 grams of  ready made cottage cheese from the market.
Grind the paneer or chana in a grinder or motar n pestal to a smooth paste. Remove to a plate and mash well with hand.
Add the powdered sugar to the paneer.
Place the mixture over heat and stir constantly to avoid lumps.
When the mixture solidifies, splash rose water over it and remove the pan from heat. Keep stirring for a little longer.
Place the cardamom n raisins in two separate plates.
Now divide the mixture into several equal portions of the required size. Place a raisin on the sandesh mould and flatten them over moulds to give them the desired shapes.
Place them on a serving dish and serve cold or at room temperature.


Saturday 23 June 2012

Paneer Paratha(cottage cheese stuffed Indian Bread)

Paneer or cottage  cheese is widely used in vegetarian cooking here in India. From making curries to kababs it is  a preferred ingredient of north Indian cuisine, that v Bengalis of Bengal are now regularly making and using at home. Paneer or Poneer as v in Bengal mostly refer to it, is used to stuff parathas and it is a delight to have with curry or curd or simply with any sauce or pickle. This Indian bread is served at breakfast  as well as lunch. It can be served as a snack or  you could put it on your dinner menu. I have written down my recipe but please feel free to use more spices or less,to suit your tastes.

Paneer Paratha

Paneer Parathas :

For the stuffing :

Finely chopped or minced Paneer                                                 250 grams
Onion, finely chopped                                                                   1
Green corriander leaves, finely chopped                                        1 tbsp
Green Chilly,finely chopped                                                           1 tbsp
Garam Masala powder                                                                 a pinch or two

For the dough :

White flour/whole wheat flour                                                        3 tea cups
Desi Ghee                                                                                     2 tbsp
Salt                                                                                               1/2 tsp or as per taste

For frying :

Desi Ghee or refined oil for frying the parathas.

Method :

Make the stuffing first by mixing the paneer , onions, coriander leaves, chillies, garam masala powder and salt. V Bengalis have this habit of adding a pinch of sugar to all our dishes but you can omit it .
Sieve the flour with salt. Mix ghee to the flour.
Add water little by little and knead a  very soft dough.The dough has to be very soft or else the stuffing will burst out.
Make 8-10 small portions from the dough.
Take a small portion and roll out into a thin round chapati.
Smear a little ghee on the chappati and spread the paneer mixture.
Fold the side to form a rectangle or round like i have done.
Press and with a rolling pin roll into a round paratha or a rectangular paratha.
Heat a non-stick pan.
Place the paratha and fry both sides till golden and crisp.
Repeat with the rest of the dough.
Serve hot.

A Close look at Paneer Paratha


Dimer Devil ( Devilled Eggs )

An egg is one of the most exciting ways to get your dose of essential nutrients- protein,vitamins and minerals.
An egg is, perhaps, the best square meal you can get. Apart from being a complete food, it is the most inexpensive source of high quality protein.
Lower the egg into a bowl of water. If it sinks and lies on its side, it is fresh. If it stands, its less fresh. And if it floats to the top, its stale and so should be thrown away.
Eggs should always be stored in cool place and standing with the broad end up.
Eggs should always be at room temperature before cooking. If taken from a refrigerator, put it under running water.
Cook eggs on low flame or they will toughen and loose their flavour.
Don't boil eggs in an aluminium pan or the pan will blacken.
To separate the egg yolk from the egg white, knock the egg sharply against the rim of a bowl and break the shell in half. Then slip the yolk from one half-shell to the other, until all the white has drained to the bowl. Finally slide all the yolk into another bowl.
If a tiny bit of yolk should get into the white, it will prevent egg whites from whisking to their full volume.Whole eggs should be whisked vigorously, whisking draws in air. This increases the volume of the eggs. It is important to use whisked eggs immediately before they loose air.
Eggs can be added in recipes for meals and snacks round the clock. An egg is for every occasion.
Boiled Eggs :
To hard boil , put eggs into water and boil. Reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes. As soon as they are cooked, put them into cold running water and cool .This will prevent a dark ring between the yolk and white of the egg.

Dimer Devil :

Dimer Devil

Ingredients :

Hard boiled eggs                                                     6
Mutton minced                                                        500 grams
Onion,chopped finely                                              4 large
Ginger Paste                                                           1 tsp
Garlic Paste                                                            1 tsp
Green Chilly Paste                                                  1 tsp
Potato,Boiled ,mashed                                            4,medium size
Turmeric Powder                                                   1/2 tsp
Red Chilly Powder                                                 1/2 tsp
Garam Masala  Powder                                         1/4 tsp
Bread Crumbs                                                        as required
Egg white,beaten                                                    1
Mustard Oil                                                            2 tbsp
White oil                                                                for deep frying

Method :

Hard boil the eggs and cut them into halves.
Boil, peel and mash the potatoes well.
Heat mustard oil or if you prefer refined oil in a wok. First add the finely chopped onions and fry till golden.
Add ginger and garlic pastes and saute.
Also add the green chilly paste.
Add the mutton mince and cook stirring.
Add the powdered spices and cook.
Then add the mashed potato and cook together. Mix well and when the mix browns and starts to leave the sides of the wok, remove to a dish and cool.
Make equal size balls of the mix.
Now place each egg half in the  middle of each ball and roll well to seal all sides.
Keep all balls ready.
Beat egg whites.
Spread the bread crumbs on a dish.
Now dip each ball in egg white and roll on the bread crumb. Prepare all the balls in this way.
Heat refined oil in a wok and deep fry each ball till golden.
Serve with Tomato Sauce or any chutney of  you like.


Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bengali Sunday Lunch

Bengali Sunday Lunch

If your husband never tires of praising his mothers "Singara"....or you kids mouth water on the very thought of your neighbours "Paw Bhaji" then, you must know its time to show them what you can do. The whole thing becomes very easy, if you have a to you. You will know how to prepare various  dishes easily. So now tell me what would you like to prepare? Singara or Batata Vada? Aloo damm or Idli? Papdi Chaat or Methi Thepla? You can easily prepare any you desire. And believe in yourself that you can become a good cook in no time.....with a little help.

This is an elaborate menu.
Fried Rice
Bhaja Moong Dal
Maacher Fry
Fish Kalia
Chingri Narkol Doodh Diye
Methi Chicken                      
Bengali Sunday Lunch

Bhaja Moong Dal

Ingredients :

Yellow Moong Dal                                                                100 grams
Shelled Peas                                                                           1/2 cup
Green Chillies                                                                         3-4,slit
Bay Leaves                                                                            2
Cumin Seeds                                                                          1/3 tsp
Oil                                                                                          1 tsp
Ghee                                                                                      1 tbsp
Salt                                                                                        according to taste
Sugar                                                                                     according to taste
Water                                                                                    1 cup
fresh Coconut,grated                                                              2 tbsp(optional)
Garam Masala Powder                                                          1 tsp   

Bhaja  Moong Dal


Method :

Roast the dal till golden in a wok at low heat stirring all the time. Remove, wash well and drain and keep aside.
Pressure cook the dal with water till soft.
Cool and open the cooker and add the peas.
Heat oil in a wok. Add cumin seeds and bay leaves. Add the boiled dal, salt, sugar, green chillies and everest garam masala powder. Bring all to a boil.
Lower the flame and let it simmer for a couple of minutes.
Garnish with coconut grated .

This dal goes equally well with both luchi/puri and rice.

I recommend that you use Everest garam masala powder cause it gives the dal a distinct flavor and it makes this unique and different from Bhaja Moong Dal made by others and i m sure u too will love it. If its unavailable,please use what is available.
Along with green peas i also use very small flowerets of cauliflower and very tiny cubes of potato.
You may use all vegetables together or none at all or any one at a time.

Maachher Fry :

This  Bengali Fish Fry has a distinct  flavour all of its own.

Ingredients :

Fish Fillet(preferably Bhetki)                                      500 g

For the Marinade :
Onion paste                                                      4 tbsp
Ginger paste                                                     2 tbsp
Garlic paste                                                      1 tbsp
Lemon                                                              1
Green chilli paste                                               1 tsp (or more if desired)
White Vinegar                                                   1tbsp

For the coating :
Egg                                                                   1 ,beaten
Salt                                                                   1 tsp
Bread crumbs                                                    250 grams
Refined oil                                                         for deep frying

Maacher Fry

Method :

Wash the fish well.
Marinate with the juice of the lemon for15 minutes.
Wash again and dry the fillets on paper towels.
Squeeze out the juice from the onion, ginger and garlic pastes.
Marinate with vinegar, chilli paste, salt, and the onion /garlic /ginger juice for 3-4 hours or overnight in the fridge.
To prepare the fries :
Dip each fillet in the egg and coat well with bread crumbs.
Keep in the fridge for at least 3-4 hrs before frying.
Heat oil in a frying pan.
Fry on medium heat till golden.
Remove and drain excess oil on paper towel.
Arrange in a serving dish and serve.

Fish Kalia :

Fish Kalia

Ingredients :

Katla Fish Peti Pieces                                                           4-6
Onion                                                                                   2 large
Garlic,made to paste                                                             5-6 pods
Tomato Paste                                                                       1 large
Turmeric Powder                                                                  a pinch or two
Lemon Juice                                                                          1/2 tsp
Bay Leaf                                                                               2
Red Chilli Powder                                                                1/2 tsp
Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder                                                  1/4 tsp
Ginger Paste                                                                         1/2 tsp
Mustard Oil                                                                          for frying fish
Whole Garam Masala,crushed                                              2 tbsp
 Fresh Coriander ,chopped                                                   1 tbsp
Green Chilly whole                                                                3
Salt                                                                                       1 tsp
Sugar                                                                                    1 tsp

Method :

Marinate the fish pieces after washing and patting dry with a kitchen napkin.
Marinate with salt, turmeric powder and lemon juice.
Heat Mustard oil 6-8 tbsp in a wok and deep fry the pieces of fish. Remove to a dish.
Now strain the oil after cooling it. Put oil back in the wok to heat.
Add the bay leaves and crushed whole garam masala (2 green cardamom, 2 cloves, 2cinnamon stick pieces).
Then add the onion paste, garlic paste, ginger paste, tomato paste and salt. Saute well.
Add the red chilli powder mixed with a dash of water. Stir the spices till it dries up.
Then add enough water to make a gravy and also the fish pieces, cover and cook. After 4-5 minutes when the gravy thickens ,remove the cover and serve.
To make the dish red and restuarant type, heat 1 tsp refined oil in a pan, add1/2 tsp sugar, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder and also 1/4 tsp kashmiri red chilli powder. Let it darken slightly while you stir carefully. Immediately add it on top of the Kalia and give it a mix. Watch how the colour of the dish changes and becomes bright red.

Chingri Narkol  Doodh Diye :

Chingri Narkol Doodh Diye

Ingredients :

Prawns (chingri)                                                          500 grams
Coconut Milk (packaged)                                            1packet
Onion Paste                                                                2 tbsp
Ginger Paste                                                               1 tsp
TomatoPaste                                                               2 tbsp
Green Chilli Paste                                                        1 tsp
Turmeric Powder                                                         1/4 tsp
Red chilly Powder                                                       1/2 tsp
Salt                                                                             as per taste
Sugar                                                                          1/2 tsp
Mustard Oil                                                                 4-6 tbsp
Whole Garam Masala                                                  1 tbsp
Bay Leaf                                                                     1
Ghee                                                                           1 tsp

Method :

First of all d'vein and wash the prawns well.Pat dry.
Marinate with a pinch or two of salt and turmeric powder. coat well.
Heat mustard oil or any oil you prefer in a wok and fry the prawns. Lightly saute and remove as soon as they turn pink .
Now in the same oil add whole garam masala and bay leaf.
Give it a stir and add the onion paste. Saute till golden.
Add the ginger, tomato and green chilly pastes and fry well. Add 1 tsp ghee at this stage and mix.
Add the dry spices and just a dash of water to help the spices mix well. Cook stirring.
Add the prawns,coconut milk, cover and cook for five minutes. Remove cover and serve.
Prawns cook very quickly and too much cooking makes them rubbery. Dont cook for more then7 minutes in all. Serve hot. 

Methi chicken :

In my earlier columns i have already showed you how i prepare this dish. Very easy to prepare i go for it often. Do turn back a few leaves and refer to the recipe. 

Fried Rice :

Ingredients :

Basmati Rice                                                  250 grams
Ghee                                                              3 tbsp
Cinnamon                                                       1 inch piece
Green Cardamom                                           5-6 ,bruised
Bay Leaf                                                         1
Raisins                                                            15 grams
Almonds                                                         15 grams
Salt                                                                 1 tsp 
Sugar                                                              1 tbsp or as per taste
water                                                              3 cups
Carrot                                                             1/2
Beans                                                              4


Clean ,wash and soak the rice for 1 hour.Drain out the water and dry well.
heat ghee in a heavy bottomed pan and add the raisins and almonds till golden and remove.Next add the 
cardamom,cinnamon,bay leaf  and saute a bit.
Add the rice and saute for 3-4 minutes.
Add the water and let it come to a boil. Reduce the flame and add the raisins and almond.
Cook until the rice is done and all water is absorbed.Stir occassionally .
Serve hot.

Friday 15 June 2012

AamPanna And MangoMilk

 Getting through an Indian summer is thirsty work. We're constantly being warned about the dangers of dehydration. But water gets boringly bland to drink after a while, and who wants artificial, preservative-loaded fizzy drinks. Thank God for Aam  ka panna. This perennial favourite is something your granny swore by and you can be sure it's something your granddaughter will be drinking too. Take a look at the recipe,a blend of saffron,sugar,water extracts of boiled raw mangoand cardamom powder....all cooling ingredients that impart a unique flavour and taste.

Ingredients You will need :

RawMangoes, boiled, peeled                                                            4 large
Saffron,soaked in 1/2 cup water                                                       1/2 tsp
Sugar                                                                                               equal to the measure of mango pulp
Cardamom Powder                                                                          1 tsp

Aam Panna

Method :

Blend all the ingredients well and add ten glasses of cold water.
Add crushed ice and serve.

Mango is the fruit of the season and one drink that i often make is mango milk. I use langra, as it is available in our part of the country, but you can use alphanso mangoes or whatever is available to you. Try it out...

Ingredients You will need :

Mango                                                                          2 ,skinned
Cardamom Powder                                                       1/2 tsp
Milk                                                                              3 cups
Sugar                                                                             1/2 cup

Method :

Liquidise the mango pulp.
Add sugar and blend.
Add to milk.
Add cardamom powder.
Chill and serve in two glasses.


Caramel Bread Pudding

 This is Caramel Bread Pudding, my style and guys, you are most welcome to try it out in your kitchens. Its easy to make but equally tasty as the authentic varieties. I am sure  you all will love it.

Caramel Bread Pudding

Ingredients :

Full Cream Milk                                               1 cup
Sugar                                                               6 tbsp
Vanilla Essence                                                 4 drops
Bread                                                               2 slices
Eggs                                                                 4

How I prepare :

Caramalise sugar by heating 2 tsp sugar in a non stick pan and  when it turns golden to transfer it to a baking bowl.
In a blender blend together milk, sugar, vanilla essence, eggs and bread slices well.
Then pour over the caramalised sugar in the bowl.
Cover with an aluminium foil and steam for 15-20 mins or till done.
Leave to cool in the refrigerator.
After half an hour, remove the foil paper and carefully over turn the bowl on a serving dish.
Cut and serve chilled.

Caramel Bread Pudding

This is an simple dessert which is very easy to make and it requires very few ingredients that are always available at home.Something sweet at the end of a meal is what most like so



Chhanar Dalna(cottage Cheese curry)

 Our Moms and grand moms spent a large part of the day in cooking , preparing elaborate, time consuming and delicious dishes, but today full-time working mothers have turned to simpler and healthier style of cooking. Today, the menus in Bengali home like ours, range from simple to elaborate ones. Bengali Cuisine traditionally requires a lot of ingredients, but now days elaborate Bengali meals are drawn up only for the special occasions. Cottage Cheese is made fresh for this in homes and unlike Paneer of north India the cottage cheese is not too dry. It is made by  boiling milk and adding lemon juice to curdle the milk.Then the cheese is strained well and used. Sometimes  the cottage cheese cubes are dipped in batter and fried and then used where as sometimes the are rolled into balls with spices and fried and then used.

Chanar Dalna

Ingredients :

Cottage cheese(chana/paneer)                                                           250 grams,cut into 1inch cubes
Peas                                                                                                  1/2 cup,shelled
Potato                                                                                                1 large,cut in 1/2 inch cubes
Tomato Puree                                                                                    2 tbsp
Ginger Paste                                                                                       1 tbsp
Clove                                                                                                 2
Green Cardamom                                                                               4
Cinnamon                                                                                          1 inch
Turmeric Powder                                                                               1/4 tsp
Chilli Powder                                                                                     1/2 tsp
Cumin Powder                                                                                   1 tsp
Raisins                                                                                               10 grams
Cashews                                                                                            19 grams
Oil                                                                                                      2 tbsp
Ghee(optional)                                                                                    2 tsp
Salt                                                                                                    as per taste
Sugar                                                                                                 2 tsp
Water                                                                                                1/2 cup
Cornflour                                                                                            6-8 tbsp
Baking Powder                                                                                   a pinch or two

Method :

Wash the potato,apply 1/4 tsp salt and keep aside for ten minutes.
Wash the cashews and grind to paste.Keep aside.
Make a medium consistency batter with cornflour,salt,a pinch of sugar ,a pinch of baking powder and water. Dip the cottage cheese cubes in the batter and deep fry till golden. Keep aside.
Heat oil in a wok and saute the potato till light golden brown in colour and keep aside.
Lower the flame and  add the cloves,cardamom and cinnamon in the same oil.
Add  the ginger paste, turmeric paste, chilli and cumin powders. Fry till the oil separates. Add the tomato puree and cashew paste and fry for a minute more.
Add the water, potato, peas and raisins.
Bring the gravy to a boil. Lower the flame, add the fried cottage cheese pieces, and allow to simmer till the potato pieces are tender.
Check and adjust the seasoning and quantity of gravy.
Pour the ghee over it just before serving.
Serve with  luchi.

Chanar Dalna