Saturday 23 June 2012

Dimer Devil ( Devilled Eggs )

An egg is one of the most exciting ways to get your dose of essential nutrients- protein,vitamins and minerals.
An egg is, perhaps, the best square meal you can get. Apart from being a complete food, it is the most inexpensive source of high quality protein.
Lower the egg into a bowl of water. If it sinks and lies on its side, it is fresh. If it stands, its less fresh. And if it floats to the top, its stale and so should be thrown away.
Eggs should always be stored in cool place and standing with the broad end up.
Eggs should always be at room temperature before cooking. If taken from a refrigerator, put it under running water.
Cook eggs on low flame or they will toughen and loose their flavour.
Don't boil eggs in an aluminium pan or the pan will blacken.
To separate the egg yolk from the egg white, knock the egg sharply against the rim of a bowl and break the shell in half. Then slip the yolk from one half-shell to the other, until all the white has drained to the bowl. Finally slide all the yolk into another bowl.
If a tiny bit of yolk should get into the white, it will prevent egg whites from whisking to their full volume.Whole eggs should be whisked vigorously, whisking draws in air. This increases the volume of the eggs. It is important to use whisked eggs immediately before they loose air.
Eggs can be added in recipes for meals and snacks round the clock. An egg is for every occasion.
Boiled Eggs :
To hard boil , put eggs into water and boil. Reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes. As soon as they are cooked, put them into cold running water and cool .This will prevent a dark ring between the yolk and white of the egg.

Dimer Devil :

Dimer Devil

Ingredients :

Hard boiled eggs                                                     6
Mutton minced                                                        500 grams
Onion,chopped finely                                              4 large
Ginger Paste                                                           1 tsp
Garlic Paste                                                            1 tsp
Green Chilly Paste                                                  1 tsp
Potato,Boiled ,mashed                                            4,medium size
Turmeric Powder                                                   1/2 tsp
Red Chilly Powder                                                 1/2 tsp
Garam Masala  Powder                                         1/4 tsp
Bread Crumbs                                                        as required
Egg white,beaten                                                    1
Mustard Oil                                                            2 tbsp
White oil                                                                for deep frying

Method :

Hard boil the eggs and cut them into halves.
Boil, peel and mash the potatoes well.
Heat mustard oil or if you prefer refined oil in a wok. First add the finely chopped onions and fry till golden.
Add ginger and garlic pastes and saute.
Also add the green chilly paste.
Add the mutton mince and cook stirring.
Add the powdered spices and cook.
Then add the mashed potato and cook together. Mix well and when the mix browns and starts to leave the sides of the wok, remove to a dish and cool.
Make equal size balls of the mix.
Now place each egg half in the  middle of each ball and roll well to seal all sides.
Keep all balls ready.
Beat egg whites.
Spread the bread crumbs on a dish.
Now dip each ball in egg white and roll on the bread crumb. Prepare all the balls in this way.
Heat refined oil in a wok and deep fry each ball till golden.
Serve with Tomato Sauce or any chutney of  you like.


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