Saturday 25 February 2012

Corn-Cheese Sandwich Pakora

Ingredients :
Corn,Grated                                      2 tbsp
Cottage Cheese                                 4 Slices
(Make thin slices)                
Chopped green chilly                       1/2 tsp
Green Coriander Leaves                  1/2 tsp
(finely chopped)
Onion,Chopped                                 1 tsp
Tomato Sauce                                    4-6 tbsp
Chaat Masala                                      1/4 th tsp
Suji                                                      2 tbsp
White Pepper Powder                      1/4 th tsp
Salt                                                       as per taste
Flour                                                    2 tbsp
Corn flour                                           2 tsp

Method :
In a bowl mix grated corn, chaat masala, white pepper powder, coriander powder, green chilly finely chopped, onion finely chopped and salt. Now mash all ingredients well . Take a thin slice of cottage cheese and spread  the mix properly. Cover with another slice of cottage cheese. Make a thick batter with flour, cornflour, salt, pepper, green coriander leaves very finely chopped and water. Spread samolina(suji) on a dish. Press the slices of cottage cheese well and dip in batter and then roll on samolina to coat the slices well on all sides.
Heat oil in a flat pan and deep fry. Press the sandwiches lightly so that they do not separate while frying and cook well. Fry golden. Cut in to triangles if desired. Serve with tomato sauce.

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