Monday 27 February 2012

Nimki (Bengali Snack)

Ingredients :

Refined Flour                             4 cups
Salt                                           1 tsp
Ghee or Refined Oil                    for deep frying
Lemon juice                               1 tsp
Black Onion seeds
(kalo jeere or kalonji)                1/2 tsp

Method :

Mix 4 tbsp Ghee to the Flour and rub with hand to mix together. 

Then add the salt, lemon juice and onion seeds and kneed to a stiff dough.

Make equal size balls and with a rolling pin make a large round roti. You can cut small rounds and fry or fold into triangles as well. In Bengali its called teen kona nimki (triangular nimki). 

Drop the nimki into hot oil in small batches. On low flame cook stir frying continuously the nimki, pressing a bit so that air does not fill the triangle.

When slightly golden remove to a dish immediately. Deep fry the whole lot and leave to cool completely before filling into jars. In bengali its called kucho nimki.

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