Tuesday 8 May 2012

Garlic-Mushroom on Toast

Ingredients :

Brown Bread Slices                    4
Button  Mushrooms                    10 ,sliced
Fresh Parsley                              2 tbsp,chopped
Garlic                                         4 cloves,chopped
Olive Oil/Butter                           2 tbsp
Onion                                         1medium sized,sliced
Whole Wheat Flour(Atta)           2 tbsp
Milk                                           1 1/2 cups
Salt                                             as per taste
Black Pepper Powder                 1 tsp

Method :

Toast the bread slices in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.
Chop fresh mushrooms.
Heat 2 tsp olive oil or butter in a non-stick pan.
When hot add the garlic and also onions to saute.
Add 1 tsp flour in the pan and roast with the onions, then add the milk. Mix. Add the mushroom and chopped parsley, mixing all well.
 Add salt and black pepper .When thick, spread the paste on to each piece of toast and serve.

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