Wednesday 14 November 2012

Bhai Phota Special- Luchi

A traditional Bengali Bhai Phota breakfast will often include Luchi. It is a fried Indian bread and is always served hot. Luchi is made of Maida (white flour) unlike Puri, which is prepared with wheat flour and are thicker. Luchi and kosha mansho (sauteed mutton)are often served together on special occasions as breakfast or even as a main course and is a hot favourite, here in Bengal.


Maida (white flour) – 1 ½ cups
Salt– ½ tsp
Ghee (clarified butter)– 2 tbsp
Water – about 2/3 cups
Vegetable oil or sunflower oil for deep frying.

Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, add the ghee, and knead well. Then add the water gradually to make a firm dough. Leave it to rest for 20 min.

Break the dough into 8-10 pcs aprox. And form into balls. Roll out on a lightly floured surface into rounds, just less than 3 mm thick. Heat oil in a pan until it is moderately hot. Deep fry the luchis, one at a time until they are puffed out and float  to the surface. Turn and fry both the sides. Remove from the pan and drain. Serve hot.

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