Thursday 15 November 2012


Mita's Choco Shells


This easy to make delicious dessert, is made with ingredients that are easily available at home all the time. Mita Ray makes it for her family at Surat. 
So go ahead and try making it for your family tonight.....


1. Marie biscuits…………….........1packet
2. Coffee powder……………........1tea spoon
3. White Flour(Maida)…………….2 teaspoon
4. Sugar,powdered………………...1tea spoon
5. Water……………………………1/2 Cup
6. Butter……………………………1 large spoonful
7. Sugar, powdered for icing……….4 big spoon
8. Cocoa powder………………......1big spoon
9.Gelatin Paper..............................1

Method :-

First of all, make a solution of coffee powder, maida, sugar powder and water.

Place a gelatin paper on a plate.

Dip the marie biscuits in the solution and keep them on the plate, one above the other like a tower.

Now mix butter, sugar powder and cocoa powder for icing.

Now apply icing all over the tower and cover it fully(top, bottom and the circumference).Wrap the stack of biscuits with the gelatin paper and keep it in the freezer for about 2 hours.

Then remove the paper cut the tower or slice the tower alternately (right then left) at an angle of 45 o

Serve chilled ….:-)

                                                      Recipe contributed by Mita Ray


  1. You have a lot of authentic Bengali recipes posted here. Great page, please continue. Many of these recipes are becoming obsolete, and it is good for the younger generation to learn from experienced home-cooks such as you. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful comment.

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