Thursday 29 November 2012

Chicken Keema Pakora (Minced Chicken Fritters)

Ingredients :

Chicken Keema...............................................................................500 grams
Onion,minced....................................................................................2 ,medium
Garlic,chopped.................................................................................6-8 cloves
Green Chilly paste.............................................................................1 tsp
Green Chilly, chopped.......................................................................2
Cornflour required
Soya Sauce........................................................................................2 tbsp
Tomato Sauce...................................................................................1 tsp
Baking Powder.................................................................................1/4 tsp
Salt& per taste
Oil.....................................................................................................for deep frying

Method :

In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs.
Chop the onion very fine. Chop the garlic and make a paste of the green chillies.
Now add all ingredients to the beaten eggs.
Add the chicken mince and adjust the cornflour to make the mix thick.
Now, heat oil in a wok/ deep pan for deep frying the pakoras(fritters).
The chicken mince batter should be of a dropping consistency.
When hot reduce the flame and fry small batches at a time.
Remove and serve with tomato ketchup or  green chutney.

For Variation

Instead of adding the corn flour add fresh bread crumbs to the chicken mince mix and then roll on cornflour.To make fresh bread crumbs grate the fresh slices with a grater/food processer.
Spread cornflour on a dish and roll to bind .Dust off excess cornflour and give the shape of small balls.
Refrigerate the chicken mince balls for 1/2 an hour before frying. 

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