Wednesday 28 November 2012

Bengali Chaatni

There is today , a renewed interest in Bengali cuisine, as seen from personal experience. That is the motivation behind this collection of recipes. I hope I have achieved what I wanted to do.....To bring to you all simple yet diverse Bengali food some everyday recipes, some innovative, some different and some unique ones.

Our grandmothers and mothers spent a major part of their lives in their kitchens. There were foodies in the family for whom they prepared elaborate, time consuming meals.

Friends and family have always helped and encouraged me ......

An Ambol or chaatni , is always a must towards the end, a sweet and sour ending to a good meal. It is normally made with various items...tomato, green mango, sweet-sour mango, pineapple, mixed fruit, raw papaya  to name a few. A chutney is easy to cook and good to eat too and i would say a curry meal is just not complete without a good chaatni .

1.Tomato-Amshotto-ar-Khejurer Chaatni

Ingredients :

Tomato...................................................250 grams,chopped
Amsotto..................................................100 grams,cut into 1/2 inch pieces
Khejur (Dates).........................................250 grams
Raisins(Kismis).......................................10 grams
Paanch Phoron .......................................1/4 tsp
Salt..........................................................1 pinch
Turmeric Powder..................................... 1 pinch
Sugar......................................................add according to taste
Oil..........................................................1/2 tsp
Cornflower..............................................1/2 tsp
Lime juice................................................2 tbsp

Tomato-Amsotto ar Khejurer Chaatni

Method :
Wash the khejur (Dates) and remove the seeds.You may chop them or leave them whole.
Heat the oil in a pan and add the paanch phoron.
When they splutter, add all the other ingredients. Stir a bit.
Cover and cook on a low flame till the tomatoes are cooked and soft. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.
Chop the amsotto. Add  the amsotto and khejur and let it cook.
Remove cover, check the seasoning and consistency of the chaatni.
Serve cool.
Mix the cornflour in a little water, about 1/4 cup and add .This will thicken the chaatni and also make it glossy and golden in colour. If you want to avoid it you may. Tomato , amsotto and khejur sometimes makes this chaatni too sweet so add lime juice to give a bit of sour tinge to the chaatni.

This is a variation of the popular tomator chaatni. In kolkata, you will get sweet Aamsotto wrapped in yellow transparent paper and khejur (Fresh) at any Bengali grocery shop or fruitseller.

2. Anarosher Chaatni :

Ingredients :

Pineapple (Anaras)...............................................1 large,grated
Raisins (Kismis)....................................................25 grams
Paanch Phoron......................................................1/2 tsp
Whole Red Chilly..................................................1
Coconut ...............................................................2 tbsp,grated
Salt.......................................................................1 pinch
Sugar....................................................................3 tbsp or according  to taste
Oil........................................................................1/2 tsp

Method :

Heat the oil in a pan and add the paanch phoron and dry red chillies .
When they splutter, add all the ingredients except the coconut .
Cover and cook on a low flame till the pineapple is cooked . Stir once in a while to avoid it burning .
Remove cover and check the seasoning. Adjust the quantity of sugar according to the sourness of the pineapple .
Add 1 tbsp grated coconut and mix well . Remove to a serving dish.
Garnish with the remaining coconut. This tastes best when served absolutely chilled .

3. Ranga Aloor Chaatni :

Ingredients :

Sweet Potato..............................................250 grams,diced into 1/4 inch cubes
Paanch Phoron..............................................1/2 tsp
Red Chilly......................................................1
Roasted Cumin...............................................1/2 tsp,powdered
Tamarind........................................................ one lemon sized small ball
Salt................................................................1 pinch
Sugar.............................................................5 tbsp
Oil..................................................................1 tbsp

Method :

Wash and boil the sweet potato in half a cup of water till very soft. Remove from flame and retain the water.
Soak the tamarind in a small cup of hot water. Extract the pulp by passing through a sieve.
Heat the oil in a wok.
Add the paanch phoron and dry red chilly.
Add the sweet potato with the water to the wok. Also add  the salt and sugar. Let it come to a boil.
Let it simmer till the chaatni reaches a paste like consistency.
Lower the flame and add the tamarind extract.
Check and add more sugar if required according to your taste.
Pour the chaatni into a serving bowl and cool. Sprinkle roasted cumin powder as garnish.

4. Sweet and Sour Mango Chaatni  :

Ingredients :

Green Mango...............................................................50 ,medium
Slaked Lime (Chun)......................................................1 tbsp
Ginger...........................................................................120 grams
Garlic............................................................................120 grams
Dry Red Chilly...............................................................50 grams
Cooking Apples.............................................................4,large(Optional)
Raisins..........................................................................500 grams(Optional)
Almonds.......................................................................200 grams(Optional)
Sugar............................................................................2 1/2 kg
Vinegar (Malt)...............................................................1 bottle

Method :

Peel, cut and seed the green mangoes. Soak in cold water for half an hour. Drain and cut in chips. Soak overnight in a stainless steel bowl in enough water to cover in which the lime (that which is eaten with betel)
has been added. Drain and keep in the sun for one day.

Grind the ginger, garlic and dry red chillies with vinegar. Peel and slice the cooking apples. Soak the raisins in water. Soak the almonds in hot water and peel.

Bring the sugar to boil slowly in the vinegar in a vessel. Cook to a thin syrup.

Add the powdered ingredients. Mix well. Add the mangoes and apples. Let it boil. If the liquid is less add more vinegar and sugar.

When the chaatni is thick, add the raisins and almonds. Cook for  10 minutes more. Then cool and store in an airtight glass container.

Tips :

If using Jaggery........Always taste jaggery before adding to a dish, as sometimes it may sweeten the dish too much.

If using Sugar............Always add sugar in the end to a dish as sugar caramalises and spoils the colour of the dish.

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