Sunday 11 November 2012

Potato Soups

I often wake-up in the middle of the night craving for some warm comfort food. It is at times like these when every diet plan goes for a toss and packets of biscuits and chips go piling up. That is why in winters I always keep some hearty soup ready in the fridge. A quick heat and you have in front of you a bowl of warm winter buster great for both the body and soul...

Simple Potato Soup

Ingredients :

Vegetable / Refined oil.............................................2 tbsp
Potatoes.............................................................4 Cubed
Garlic Pods.....................................................2
Water............................................................4-5 cups
Thyme..................................................................1 tsp
Basil..............................................................1 1/2 tsp
Fresh Coriander.....................................................2 tbsp

Method of Preparation

Heat Oil in a pan. Saute chopped onions on high flame for 5 minutes.
Add the potatoes, water, thyme and basil and cook over medium heat till tender.
Puree in a blender till smooth and then again put back into the pan.
Add the rest of the seasoning, salt and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Thick Creamy potato Soup

Ingredients :

Potatoes..........................................................4 ,large
Onion...........................................................1,medium size
Chicken Cubes.......................................................4
Grated Cheese...........................................................1/2 cup
Full-Fat Milk...........................................................1 cup
Cream......................................................................1 1/2 cups
Flour.................................................................................1 tbsp per taste per taste

For Garnishing:
Grated Cheese
Spring Onions,Finely chopped

Method of preparation

Place the potatoes in a pan with chicken cube, onions, garlic and bring to a boil . Simmer till the potatoes are tender.
Remove from stove and puree using a blender untill a smooth paste.
Add 1 cup of milk, cheese, chicken cubes and place back on the stove to heat open low flame.
Whisk the cream and flour together till well blended. Pour it over the potato mix .Mix well.
Now, put it back on the stove to heat.
Sprinkle salt , pepper, cheese .Garnish and serve hot.
Delicious Potato soup Is Ready......Top with Croutons!!!

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